UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

AL's QC is really getting out of hand lately, really disappointing to see as well, we know they can do great which is the worst part.

It isn't even the odd thing anymore as so many releases lately have been plauged with errors.

It makes you wonder what is up and who is actually working with these releases because it doesn't feel they give a damn and just pushing things out the door.

I don't know the first thing about home video production though so I don't want to assume that the AL staff don't give a damn but it definitely feels whoever are working on some of these aren't putting their full care and attention into it clearly.
The thing for me is I've been a Gundam fan long enough to know Sunrise will sometimes change the official English spellings (case in point SEED Freedom reverts one super fan and consultant Mark Simmons argued against back when Destiny was being translated). But this is outdated spellings on the discs and what looks like Google translations in the booklet. That feels less like licensor demands and more like very poor production. Which for a £100 set isn't good.
Now I’m really glad I canceled my Gundam 4K set lol what a mess. I originally canceled my order because of how long they took to dispatch it (a whole week) and it was a blessing in disguise. Really dodged a bullet there.

Hopefully This isn’t a sign of things to come for the Naruto set.
Speaking of nadia, as above
I was thinking of buying the set from cex as my local has it, what was the problem with the disc? And would it be worth holding of buying it from cex and waiting for alltheanime have it on sale?
Speaking of nadia, as above
I was thinking of buying the set from cex as my local has it, what was the problem with the disc? And would it be worth holding of buying it from cex and waiting for alltheanime have it on sale?

I believe the issue was that one of the episodes wouldn't play when you selected it - it would play a different episode instead.
Got mine still in the cellophane - anyone had a chance to check out the picture / audio quality yet? While the subtitle and booklet errors are inexcusable, I wouldn't say that they're a dealbreaker in their current state - though AL  should be doing better QC.
I can live with the mistakes in the booklet, but they should fix them anyway, but the writing on the discs is a real tragedy. We waited for this edition for 2 years, and finally we get something like this and for such a price? I'm starting to be afraid to pre-order and worry about Macross.

In my opinion, they should fix it and send new discs and put much more emphasis on QC. There were no such glaring problems in the old editions.
This is why I don't feel bad about pirating certain anime. We all support the anime production industry more than the average consumer and obviously, our finances are not infinite, so we cannot buy every single show that we want physically.

Random people on the internet can create accurate subtitles, sync up every dub and subtitle track known to man for a particular show, and put it out for free in the far corners of the internet (yes, I know certain dubs for certain shows can't be present because of licencing arrangements and such). However, there's no excuse for poor production with the materials professional distributors do have available - especially when customers are paying premium prices to a company that advertise themselves as a luxury and high-quality brand.

I'm due a rewatch of Naruto, so I'll be going through the sets with a fine-tooth comb, because at this rate there is likely to be something wrong with them (if anyone from Anime Limited reads this, I'll send you my bank details so you can pay me).

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