UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Season 2 was poorly received as well wasn't it? Haven't watched it yet myself so can't comment on it but with a poor reception and sales of Season 2 that usually means no Season 3.

They changed some major plot points. Left out character development, and removed some of the scenes that were meant to of happened at the end.

It wouldn't flow into the Tokyo Ghoul:re content as nicely.
Any update on when the next wave of replacement discs for Escaflowne are being dispatched?

My copy of Zeta arrived today, took a while to get here as MVM somehow left half the delivery address off the label(missing the county and postcode). Will have to send it back though as the artbox is damaged :(. First time I've had the gum glue take off part of the artbox, I know it has happened occasionally for others on the forum.



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Season 2 was poorly received as well wasn't it? Haven't watched it yet myself so can't comment on it but with a poor reception and sales of Season 2 that usually means no Season 3.
Shame I really like season 2 I was hoping merchandise sales might convince them to make a season 3. But anime rarely goes past 2 season anyway it's manly used to boost manga sales
My copy of Zeta arrived today, took a while to get here as MVM somehow left half the delivery address off the label(missing the county and postcode). Will have to send it back though as the artbox is damaged :(. First time I've had the gum glue take off part of the artbox, I know it has happened occasionally for others on the forum.

My copy also arrived today, without any damage from AL site. The problem lies with the misalignment on every side.
To me it's obvious that the design of Zeta artbox was not done by professionals. In this case I would have picked the same color background for the front, back and spine cover like Reco G or MSG artbox. The one responsible for this deserves a kick in the a**
@anime_andrew What I'm hoping for more than anything for the Ultimate Edition is a really nice Artbook. Reason being that there just isn't a nice one available anywhere for just pure Illustrations/Character Sketches etc. Lots of Roman Album type guides but nothing that is heavy on the Art. How close do you think the E7 artbook could be to that of the FMA one? I'd be head over heels if you could match it but I'm not sure there are enough art assets available to do that.

It will be similar - sizing is different as the artwork we have etc will lend itself to A4 well and my general philosophy is shifting towards having an artbook as you'd buy in Japan as part of the set made specifically for the Ultimates of course. Really hinges from product to product and we're evolving everytime on that frontier but it's definitely a focussed art book :).

I feel all UEs should come with a soundtrack.

In an ideal world that's what we'd do! Sadly there's not always an option to get ahold of it, we do try though on every property we do an Ultimate for :).


It will be similar - sizing is different as the artwork we have etc will lend itself to A4 well and my general philosophy is shifting towards having an artbook as you'd buy in Japan as part of the set made specifically for the Ultimates of course. Really hinges from product to product and we're evolving everytime on that frontier but it's definitely a focussed art book :).

Well I was always going to buy the UE since Eureka 7 is my second ever favourite series after FMA but this has just sent my hype into overdrive. The sheer thought of what sort of Artbook you may be creating over there has me very excited indeed :D
Just to jump on the idea that all UEs should come with a soundtrack:

In an ideal world that's what we'd do! Sadly there's not always an option to get ahold of it, we do try though on every property we do an Ultimate for :).

Gotta say, the inclusion of the soundtrack CDs in the Escaflowne UE were a big, big part of the reason I scrimped and scraped since it was announced to afford it. That plus the obvious visual upgrade over the previous UK DVD release.

I was pretty much expecting the answer that this wasn't possible in all cases. Licensing can be a nightmare, from what I understand. But having the music for a show bundled with it can be an ENORMOUS incentive to pick up those kinds of releases.
From the UKA Podcast with Jeremy
Haruhi - wanted to use FUNis masters them doing chronological screwed with that
Wolfs rain - No news interested though
Shirobako- Window seems to be closing AL like the show but no news
Gundam Origin - Would love a domestic release
ERASED- In approvals

Hinting a third UE due this year and another cinema release
From the UKA Podcast with Jeremy
Haruhi - wanted to use FUNis masters them doing chronological screwed with that
Wolfs rain - No news interested though
Shirobako- Window seems to be closing AL like the show but no news
Gundam Origin - Would love a domestic release
ERASED- In approvals

Hinting a third UE due this year and another cinema release

Out of interest, why does Funi using chronological order matter? Is it something to do with S2? I mean, that's my guess, but I don't get why, I mean, I don't Funi expect you to switch between S1 and S2 discs when watching.
How is the chronological order confusing? It's the correct way to watch it.

It would kinda mess with MAL a bit if there isn't a clear distinction about that on the discs. Also, if I'm watching S1, I kinda want to watch S1, not S1 and some S2. I dunno, I've never seen Haruhi, and the reason I put it off for so long was solely down to the ordering.
It would kinda mess with MAL a bit if there isn't a clear distinction about that on the discs. Also, if I'm watching S1, I kinda want to watch S1, not S1 and some S2. I dunno, I've never seen Haruhi, and the reason I put it off for so long was solely down to the ordering.
Season 2 included a rebroadcast of season 1. Just get Funi's release, binge it, and tick off both seasons on MAL when you're finished.
How is the chronological order confusing? It's the correct way to watch it.
Season 1 of Haruhi was originally broadcast out of order, when it was rebroadcast it was shown in chronological order with new "season 2" episodes added.

As Funi made their set in chronological order the season 1 and season 2 episodes are interspersed.

Fyi the books were also released out of chronological order.
From the UKA Podcast with Jeremy
Gundam Origin - Would love a domestic release

That would be great, alright. Unlike Gundam Unicorn, where I brought the DVD releases, I've had to miss out on these due to the crazy prices Blu-ray prices and no DVDs. Not holding out much hope, mind you...

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