UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

And I was expecting the interviews. They were never released with the UK single volumes, although Revelation did put them in the DVD Collector's Editions, but they were standard with the US single volume releases, and they were in their Collector's Edition artbook. So for me it's not as Ultimate as it should have been.

I'm just gonna start calling AL's Ultimate editions "Really expensive and gimmicky without including things past versions have for no good reason" Editions
I'm just gonna start calling AL's Ultimate editions "Really expensive and gimmicky without including things past versions have for no good reason" Editions

Except there are always reasons. What if they weren't on offer by the Japanese side? What if they were done by Funimation and sublicensed to Revelation but not part of a standard package? Did anyone specifically ask AL about them pre-release? By all means have opinions on this (UEs are objectively expensive, after all) but there are ways to express them that sound less catty. I'd hardly call that massive book and the show itself gimmicky.

Maybe keeping my UCE was the right choice as I like the interviews and the art is already A4

You say that but our art book is bigger than A4...proof below:


Really happy with how the artbook came out - one typo aside!

Except there are always reasons. What if they weren't on offer by the Japanese side? What if they were done by Funimation and sublicensed to Revelation but not part of a standard package? Did anyone specifically ask AL about them pre-release? By all means have opinions on this (UEs are objectively expensive, after all) but there are ways to express them that sound less catty. I'd hardly call that massive book and the show itself gimmicky.

A giant hunk of resin is a gimmick, that's what I meant.
So when am I allowed to complain about a release? When it gets delayed two weeks for a piece of paper? When people who pay for it half a year after I did get it half a week early? When two full conventions have access to buying the majority of it before I get hold of mine? When it's not actually the whole of the work? (I don't actually care about this specific point) Or when its planning to be shipped by a company that has caused damage to ultimate editions before is shipping my £125 product?
If these problems didn't happen all the time I wouldn't actually care as much, but when they happen to almost every single Ultimate Edition release for multiple years I would hope that they would be able to not mess everything up.

TL;DR Enough straws break the camels back.

Edit; I will probaly not care when everything is said and done though.
I will say that interviews probably would have been a nice thing to have, but personally I've read through so many over the years for FMA that I am not all too fussed about them being absent. The contents of the artbook we have got are really impressive and don't leave me wanting for anything else.
My Fullmetal Alchemist Ultimate Edition arrived today and @anime_andrew, it's absolutely incredible - you and the rest of Anime Limited have really outdone yourselves. I've only had a chance to flick through the art book and I've yet to watch the discs (busy busy!), but the gate's build quality and overall presentation are stunning. I really appreciate the use of magnets to close it too - was worried that it become damaged over time due to the two halves smashing into each other.

(Even my postman remarked that it was heavy, but I didn't have any real issue? Maybe I'm just stronger than most? :p).
A giant hunk of resin is a gimmick, that's what I meant.
So when am I allowed to complain about a release? When it gets delayed two weeks for a piece of paper? When people who pay for it half a year after I did get it half a week early? When two full conventions have access to buying the majority of it before I get hold of mine? When it's not actually the whole of the work? (I don't actually care about this specific point) Or when its planning to be shipped by a company that has caused damage to ultimate editions before is shipping my £125 product?
If these problems didn't happen all the time I wouldn't actually care as much, but when they happen to almost every single Ultimate Edition release for multiple years I would hope that they would be able to not mess everything up.

If you freely admit you don't care about a point, why even make fun of it? Plenty of people have been criticising the Zavvi shipments, the delays, the conventions (which were public events), the Zavvi shipments (same point twice or is this about UPS? But show me a courier which has never damaged a parcel...) in this very thread, and they've received attention straight from the company's head. But when you decide to fixate on something you never once expressed an opinion on back when there was a chance for something to be done about it then immediately backtrack and say you didn't actually care about that particular issue, it sort of weakens your point.

(Personally the only thing I'm sad about is that I can't afford it, hahaha.)

AL said on their podcast it was 5kg. I feel bad for everyone's shelving units. :p

We're sidling in a new policy on that going forwards :). Stay tuned! Won't mean there's a standard immediately but there will be a reliable time-frame.



This is excellent news! :D

I'm probably give you far too much **** (I'm not good at managing my tone, so I almost certainly come across far ruder than I intend -- sorry about that), but I'm very excited for this, and I really appreciate that you have listened to and continue to listen to feedback. :)
A giant hunk of resin is a gimmick, that's what I meant.
So when am I allowed to complain about a release? When it gets delayed two weeks for a piece of paper? When people who pay for it half a year after I did get it half a week early? When two full conventions have access to buying the majority of it before I get hold of mine? When it's not actually the whole of the work? (I don't actually care about this specific point) Or when its planning to be shipped by a company that has caused damage to ultimate editions before is shipping my £125 product?
If these problems didn't happen all the time I wouldn't actually care as much, but when they happen to almost every single Ultimate Edition release for multiple years I would hope that they would be able to not mess everything up.

TL;DR Enough straws break the camels back.

A giant hunk of resin isn't a gimmick, it was designed especially from scarce levels of design. If anything it's a piece of hardwork and art really to create something like that. Functional too as it acts as a pair of bookends for me as well on my desk (or the prototype is atm anyway until my own copy arrives on Tuesday).

Re delays - it wasn't just the paper. It got delayed two weeks as a combined point of customs clearance and a sheet of paper and the people who get it early don't get their custom certificate at the same time (a move that has lead many to mail me asking already if Zavvi aren't doing them or worrying about it coming). We'd be damned either way and how Zavvi manages dispatch is down to itself - we'd expected them to do similarly to us but data protection reasons meant that wasn't possible sadly.

Shipping wise there's a difference too for this one insofar as no packing is required - the product comes pre-packed and gets its shipping label attached to that box. Zavvi have a terrible history of shipping too FYI and even they've not been able to mess this one up. In this case it's the most sensible move too as it reduces a layer of dispatch where damage could occur to the product for people too.

We spent a lot of time on this and want to make sure it's correct and while we never can guarantee a 100% delivery success rate as mental delivery systems happen, we've done everything we can on this one to maximise chances of success and have put it through stress testing.

Sorry if it's a straw and camel scenario but we've worked really hard on this one so hope you'll be happy with the final product when it arrives soon :). Apologies again for any frustration felt.

Got mine today, and yes it does weigh a ton. Very nicely packaged too.
Am just a tad disappointed with the artbook though. The traditional Anime Limited typo is there. "Homonculus"? really?
And I was expecting the interviews. They were never released with the UK single volumes, although Revelation did put them in the DVD Collector's Editions, but they were standard with the US single volume releases, and they were in their Collector's Edition artbook. So for me it's not as Ultimate as it should have been.

Glad you like it!

Re the book - the typo is a bit cringe for us as it was in plain sight and both us, Aniplex and the committee all missed it. No idea how that happened but I'll go transmute myself into an embarrassed shape now.

Re the interviews - we weren't able to access this for a raftload of reasons but even if we had been able to, it'd have meant sacrificing some of the artwork that went in and on my end we modelled it after the FMA Archives set where the artwork was key and provided something never done before in the UK. In the end we can only do so much and we're very happy with how it came together in the end here which is about the best we can do!


I love art just as much as I love contextual information, interviews and the like. For me, my ideal Collector's Editions have been what NISA have put together, and what MVM have taken advantage of. The books with A Lull in the Sea, and Eccentric Family had the perfect balance between art and text, although they were a little small. On the other hand, Hanasaku Iroha's unwieldy pachaging revealed the perfectly sized artbooks, and I really do appreicate the creator inteviews within. I guess I always want to learn more than I knew before.
If you freely admit you don't care about a point, why even make fun of it? Plenty of people have been criticising the Zavvi shipments, the delays, the conventions (which were public events), the Zavvi shipments (same point twice?) in this very thread, and they've received attention straight from the company's head. But when you decide to fixate on something you never once expressed an opinion on back when there was a chance for something to be done about it then immediately backtrack and say you didn't actually care about that particular issue, it sort of weakens your point.


1) The shipping is two seperate points. Zavvi gets theirs first without a good reason, shipments are being done by the worst shipping company in the country.
2) I was making a list of every single thing wrong with the relase. Just because a specific one doesn't annoy me on it's own, doesn't mean the fact that there's another problem in the list does.
3) I shouldn't expect to have to tell Andrew how to do his job by complaining about it everytime something happens.Heck, I've tried to stay optimistic about this release until the last few days. Hence straw breaks camel's back.
AL said on their podcast it was 5kg. I feel bad for everyone's shelving units. :p

This is excellent news! :D

I'm probably give you far too much **** (I'm not good at managing my tone, so I almost certainly come across far ruder than I intend -- sorry about that), but I'm very excited for this, and I really appreciate that you have listened to and continue to listen to feedback. :)

I'm half expecting Andrew to ban me from buying his CEs/UEs at this rate with all my complaining.

I'm also looking to seeing AL improve how they handle standard editions though. All I care about is getting series on blu-ray, the majority of UE/CE extras don't interest me at all - I'd rather buy more standard editions. It's not like I ever get round to watching most of them anyway, it's all about having access to more anime on bluray.
Just wanted to note that my copy was ordered via Zavvi and arrived in perfect condition (and anyone who uses our Discord chat will know how worried I was about it!); the packaging was really secure with lots of protection.

Regarding the art book, there's a whole two-page spread dedicated solely to Alex Louis Armstrong, so it's all good in my book!
I love art just as much as I love contextual information, interviews and the like. For me, my ideal Collector's Editions have been what NISA have put together, and what MVM have taken advantage of. The books with A Lull in the Sea, and Eccentric Family had the perfect balance between art and text, although they were a little small. On the other hand, Hanasaku Iroha's unwieldy pachaging revealed the perfectly sized artbooks, and I really do appreicate the creator inteviews within. I guess I always want to learn more than I knew before.

We usually go that way too and we did try to access them (long story alas not a public one) but in this case we're happy with the different direction too and feel we worked well with the ample assets we had.

Having already looked through the art book I personally think it's a fantastic art book, as is the set as a whole. The amount of detailing and effort that have been put into the resin gate really shows as it looks amazing. All in all it's exactly what I wanted from this set and I think that anime limited have done a fantastic job with it.

As a side point as well for anybody still waiting for theirs to be delivered, with the quality of the packaging used for this release I really don't think you have too much to worry about it getting damaged in transit.
1) The shipping is two seperate points. Zavvi gets theirs first without a good reason, shipments are being done by the worst shipping company in the country.
2) I was making a list of every single thing wrong with the release. Just because a specific one doesn't annoy me on it's own, doesn't mean the fact that there's another problem in the list does.
3) I shouldn't expect to have to tell Andrew how to do his job by complaining about it everytime something happens.Heck, I've tried to stay optimistic about this release until the last few days. Hence straw breaks camel's back.

1) Is with good reason - they are shipping without the certificates and we've had multiple emails already from people worrying about them and not getting replies. Whereas despite being the only person in the office today I have been on forums, emails etc answering queries even when not our sale :). Re worst shipping company, that can be a variable term (we've had bad experiences here with almost every courier in the office now) but we are keeping a close eye on this. If anything goes wrong, there will be hell to pay there and we'll ensure you're all covered - we always have there :).

2) If there's a number of small irks we totally get it too and we're always willing to listen and try to explain where we can - as we have here :).

3) I'm pretty sure you've not told me how to do my job so don't worry :). Complaining is completely fair and as I've always said - we take good feedback and negative feedback alike, it's how we grow as a company :).

