UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Working on that as we speak, our booklet will be bigger than the US one so just getting costs back etc first but I'd like to get it down if I can, not dead in the water yet though so watch this space. Definitely agreed that 6 eps needs to be lower, ideal world of £39.99 given chunky book that comes with on our end and translation cost but we'll update asap :). Not forgotten that!

Is that £39.99 SRP or the price we'd pay to the retailer? Because if it's later, that's absurd...
Still a number of people here who really appreciate what you're doing, and understand you're going above and beyond in a lot of cases.

A big part of the reason I visit these forums is for the interaction with the distributers themselves, it's nice to have an insight into what can, and does go wrong when putting out a product. It's probably just a choice of words thing, but I very much doubt anyone here actively hates anything your team puts out (maybe taste wise!).

I'm not saying it's not warranted, but some of the criticism here could be a little more constructive.

Nah - I think most of it's on the ball really :)! People have no reason to act differently particularly because we're here - all I ask is to remember we're flesh and blood really - we also really, really love the product we work on. Apart from that I'm a big kid so I can handle it ;)!

Always glad to get honest feedback from folks anyway, positive or negative!

Is that £39.99 SRP or the price we'd pay to the retailer? Because if it's later, that's absurd...

SRP, obviously given we're talking low ep count ala SAO II :).

Side note but absurd is a variable concept - books cost ££££ especially when translating more content than the US (interviews with the director and manga-ka). The number of units likely to sell vs cost to break even mean if you assume 1,000 total, you need a higher price point to justify the work that goes in. Absurd would be setting a price that loses money or makes it hard to justify printing as you can imagine :).

I could dump the book and do art cards though, but in my opinion unless that's absolutely the best option for a title and there's no booklet data available / or makable, it's kind of a rough deal for you as a consumer.

SRP, obviously given we're talking low ep count ala SAO II :).

Side note but absurd is a variable concept - books cost ££££ especially when translating more content than the US (interviews with the director and manga-ka). The number of units likely to sell vs cost to break even mean if you assume 1,000 total, you need a higher price point to justify the work that goes in. Absurd would be setting a price that loses money or makes it hard to justify printing as you can imagine :).

I could dump the book and do art cards though, but in my opinion unless that's absolutely the best option for a title and there's no booklet data available / or makable, it's kind of a rough deal for you as a consumer.


For me personally, unless you had a fullsize hardback artbook, the size of those £20 Game of Thrones ones (often on offer for £10 in The Works) and/or a reasonably meaty soundtrack. I'm not sure you could ever convince me that £39.99 retail price for 6 episodes was acceptable.

To be honest, I'm too scared of damaging your booklets. I don't trust myself.
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will the Escaflowne UE still be for sale at the mcm birmingham next week and for the replacement disc what can u use for prove proof of purchase

Hey hey! It will be and same MCM London price ala the web deal will apply :).

You'll get a receipt with purchase so just take a pic of that for us :).


For me personally, unless you had a fullsize hardback artbook, the size of those £20 Game of Thrones ones (often on offer for £10 in The Works) and/or a reasonably meaty soundtrack. I'm not sure you could ever convince me that £39.99 for 6 episodes was acceptable.

To be honest, I'm too scared of damaging your booklets. I don't trust myself.

With a £40 RRP, you're talking like £25-ish with retail discounts which ain't so bad.
I could dump the book and do art cards though, but in my opinion unless that's absolutely the best option for a title and there's no booklet data available / or makable, it's kind of a rough deal for you as a consumer.


Personally, I am far less likely to buy a release (especially 6 episode releases) if there isn't an artbook or something similar. Art cards are very nice but not really worth buying a collector's edition for, I'd always rather a book. In Erased's case I think the SRP for a nice book is okay considering we'll probably be paying less than it at the end of the day.
I'd take a book over artcards any day of the week.

If the price to the consumer ends up being somewhere around the £25 - £30 mark like SAO II was then suddenly that's a lot more appetising.
Who would choose cards over an artbook, no matter how small!?! I understand the appeal of including art-cards from the distributors point of view, having a bunch of assets go unused is a waste, and with single cour series getting 7 to 8 volume releases in Japan there's ample cover-art to be used, but cards aren't justification for marked up prices, however art-cards as a pre-order bonus usually works out well, or as a first print bonus.

EDIT: Having pressed reply and actually thinking about it for 5 seconds, I'd actually rather have neither and have a lower price!
Who would choose cards over an artbook, no matter how small!?! I understand the appeal of including art-cards from the distributors point of view, having a bunch of assets go unused is a waste, and with single cour series getting 7 to 8 volume releases in Japan there's ample cover-art to be used, but cards aren't justification for marked up prices, however art-cards as a pre-order bonus usually works out well, or as a first print bonus.

EDIT: Having pressed reply and actually thinking about it for 5 seconds, I'd actually rather have neither and have a lower price!

Art cards are a good way to give us the end cards in a tangible form though.
I'd vastly prefer a booklet over art cards. A lot of the time, I don't know what to do with art cards other than leave them in the box out of fear that they'll get damaged (scuffed corners or worse!).
I read somewhere that there was a plan to release Erased as a complete collection, but Aniplex put their foot down and said that future releases have to have the same episode count as the US. Is there any truth to this or did I just imagine it?