UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

In Anime Limited's defence though, if they had released the Calibur arc as a single, standalone volume, we'd probably be bitching about having to pay for a four-episode long Collector's Edition.

Snow White With The Red Hair simply being a Funimation released, as opposed to getting a fancy Collector's Edition, is disappointing though. Although realistically, I can understand why the show wouldn't exactly be a commercial hot cake (it's fantastic, but a niche genre for anime).
Perhaps it's because I don't watch shows until I have all the parts, but I really don't care how the episodes are split as long as I get them all. I honestly don't see what difference it makes if you're buying it all anyway.
I suppose it depends on how the show itself is structured, if it works as a series of arcs that aren't necessarily directly connected then people might want to pick and choose their favourites. I'm sure there are people who skip "filler" arcs of long running shows and only collect the parts that relate directly to the source material.

Even if people are just getting most/all of the releases, it can be handy to be able to watch a single story arc on one disc (especially if the number of episodes means the same number of discs would be used either way).
Likewise - I don't really care how episodes are split on discs other than my own personal preference of the fewer discs, the better. Hence why getting a two cour show on three Blu-Rays (typically 9/8 eps on each discs) is my ideal. It means less having to change discs. And it probably makes for a cheaper price point and smaller case too.
I would have preferred having all of Mothers Rosario in one set too as Excalibur end is a better end point than 2 eps into Rosario


For me, it's killed any interest in buying the show any time soon, too. Being CE-only has edged the series overall price to outside of what I personally find good value.
Manga's season 1 was just (and only just) inside of it. S2 is outside, the extra "value" coming from the physical extras that carry zero personal value for me) And also I enjoyed it overall slightly less than S1, so am really hesitant to pay more.

I might have picked it up piecemeal over time had it had the logical episodes splits.
  • Phantom Bullet 1
  • Phantom Bullet 2
  • Calibur
  • Mother's Rosario.
Because, me being my usual awkward self, if I can't afford them all in a single chunk, this is the order I rate the arcs.
  1. Mother's Rosario
  2. Phantom Bullet
  3. Calibur
And my budget and arc preference, being what it is, I'd happily buy Mother's Rosario on its own. With an eye to maybe buying the rest, Phantom Bullet first, later down the road.
Calibur is the "fill out the season" arc. I'll buy it last. Or wait until I can pick up the entire season on a deal. Or just pass over the season entirely.

Again, getting Calibur just to get Mother'/ Rosario is the whole "Pay extra for whatIi don't want to get what I do" reason I tend to avoid CEs in the first place,
Weekend deal.

Lucky Star for £35 from 9am tomorrow until Tuesday at 9am.

Also another weekend special for this month.

12 days of Christmas running again this year from 1st to 12th of December.
The entirety of episode 9 has wrongly encoded subs, so not exactly a little thing sneaking in. Tiny and on the middle left of the screen.


Ah well.

And unfortunately there also seem to be some typos in the Escaflowne release too

