UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Is there a reason there isn't a Space Dandy complete series blu ray set when there is a dvd set?

Be careful with Baccano. Let's hope Aniplex don't send masters with stuttery animation in places again.
SnowWolf said:
Is there a reason there isn't a Space Dandy complete series blu ray set when there is a dvd set?

Be careful with Baccano. Let's hope Aniplex don't send masters with stuttery animation in places again.

Space Dandy was done as a Season 1 standard edition first so we'll hop back and do a complete set later in the year but for now present it alongside the Collector's BD as a season like we did for S1. Consistency in release format is pretty important to me there so hope it makes sense.

Re video - very unlikely for this one as the only ones to do it outside of Japan in English is AoA so we'll likely get the same masters they used as I believe at this stage there's the one set. So guessing we'll get a usable file format in advance - which is handy :).


anime_andrew said:
SnowWolf said:
Is there a reason there isn't a Space Dandy complete series blu ray set when there is a dvd set?

Be careful with Baccano. Let's hope Aniplex don't send masters with stuttery animation in places again.

Space Dandy was done as a Season 1 standard edition first so we'll hop back and do a complete set later in the year but for now present it alongside the Collector's BD as a season like we did for S1. Consistency in release format is pretty important to me there so hope it makes sense.

Re video - very unlikely for this one as the only ones to do it outside of Japan in English is AoA so we'll likely get the same masters they used as I believe at this stage there's the one set. So guessing we'll get a usable file format in advance - which is handy :).



Thanks Andrew!

With Japan releasing an Evangelion series + movies complete Blu ray set, is there any hope for one over here yet?
anime_andrew said:
Re video - very unlikely for this one as the only ones to do it outside of Japan in English is AoA so we'll likely get the same masters they used as I believe at this stage there's the one set. So guessing we'll get a usable file format in advance - which is handy :).


FYI AniplexUSA releases use the exact same materials as the Japanese BD equivalents with English support added. Their Gurren BDs are the JP discs with the English dub set as the primary audio, so I wouldn't rule out that capture errors could show up again. I don't get why they don't just supply the same transport streams they used for each episode and let you work with those.
I was pleased to see that Letter to Momo and Short Peace were a part of the line up for the Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme. I'll make sure to catch them on the big screen. Also looking forward to the release of Wings on Honneamise and the Shinkai collection (fingers crossed at goes ahead!).

My question: is there any chance of you releasing Miyazaki's Future Boy Conan? As far as I'm aware, it never received an English subtitled DVD release so I'm not sure if there are some rights issues preventing it, as I would think it has some commercial value being a Miyazaki production. However, it was released in France. It was restored and released on a beautiful Blu-Ray set in Japan over 3 years ago now.
britguy said:
Looks like i'll be buying more Anime Limited related products in April than I thought! ... he-origin/

Pricey (I'm not usually a collector of these Japanese imports) but to help Anime Limited and in hope of getting more awesome stuff down the line, i'll bite!

Disclaimer: Not yet done talking about Gundam: The Origin yet either - this is just the first thing we're doing in collaboration with our friends at Bandai :).


anime_andrew said:
britguy said:
Looks like i'll be buying more Anime Limited related products in April than I thought! ... he-origin/

Pricey (I'm not usually a collector of these Japanese imports) but to help Anime Limited and in hope of getting more awesome stuff down the line, i'll bite!

Disclaimer: Not yet done talking about Gundam: The Origin yet either - this is just the first thing we're doing in collaboration with our friends at Bandai :).



If you decide to announce that you have the entirety of Gundam, at least have you and Jeremy say "IT'S A GUNDAM!" "WHAT? A GUNDAM?" in a video tease announcement or something.
I don't know what Gundam is about, nor do I understand why it is so popular. Very rarely is there a mech show I actually enjoy. (e.g. Code Geass, CG Akito, A/Z)
The problem I have here is the same problem I have when AniplexUSA do import releases. Going by the current price on Amazon JP, it's £42 to pre-order including import fees and shipping.
I don't get why there is always a massive increase in price when a local company offers imports compared to importing it yourself.
Mangaranga said:
I don't know what Gundam is about, nor do I understand why it is so popular. Very rarely is there a mech show I actually enjoy. (e.g. Code Geass, CG Akito, A/Z)
The problem I have here is the same problem I have when AniplexUSA do import releases. Going by the current price on Amazon JP, it's £42 to pre-order including import fees and shipping.
I don't get why there is always a massive increase in price when a local company offers imports compared to importing it yourself.

Firstly - the £42 one is the regular edition with special sleeve on it so the books don't come with it. The Limited Edition up for order is only available on the Bandai Store in Japan.

You can see the differences here: but you'll see the edition we're offering isn't so different from Japanese prices actually after shipping (irregular size) + shipping.

The normal reason though (but not this time) is just that Japanese retail sells at a high price to businesses so everyone had to increase the price to make revenue. In this case - you're comparing he wrong product :).

Watch this space though in the future though - I'd like to think 2016 would be a good year to buy this title too if the product as listed doesn't suit...

Fair play Andrew. Thanks for clearing that up. If someone wants to try and sell Gundam to me I'll give it a go.
I tend to trust your Judgement since you mainly seem to pick up shows I enjoy.
anime_andrew said:
Mangaranga said:
I don't know what Gundam is about, nor do I understand why it is so popular. Very rarely is there a mech show I actually enjoy. (e.g. Code Geass, CG Akito, A/Z)
The problem I have here is the same problem I have when AniplexUSA do import releases. Going by the current price on Amazon JP, it's £42 to pre-order including import fees and shipping.
I don't get why there is always a massive increase in price when a local company offers imports compared to importing it yourself.

Firstly - the £42 one is the regular edition with special sleeve on it so the books don't come with it. The Limited Edition up for order is only available on the Bandai Store in Japan.

You can see the differences here: but you'll see the edition we're offering isn't so different from Japanese prices actually after shipping (irregular size) + shipping.

The normal reason though (but not this time) is just that Japanese retail sells at a high price to businesses so everyone had to increase the price to make revenue. In this case - you're comparing he wrong product :).

Watch this space though in the future though - I'd like to think 2016 would be a good year to buy this title too if the product as listed doesn't suit...


Is that a domestic dvd release I hear being hinted at for next year?

Anyway will probably stump up for this a bit sooner to the early April cut off. That reminds me, I still need to get UC 7 too.
Emulsion said:
Got a question that's more out of curiosity than anything else. On your Blood Lad Blu-ray, how come the audio for the clean opening, closing and promo is 24bit yet the series which is the main feature is only 16bit?
I'm 99% sure that the Audio on Viz's BD is 24bit. The same thing happened with Accel World which was also done by Justin. (US release had 24bit audio whilst AU/UK release was 16bit)
If that's the case, then I suspect that was the trade off the authoring house made to fit everything on 1 BD50/25 rather than 2 50s. (D1 is ~49gb, Disc 2 is ~23gb)
Excited by the prospect of Anime Limited distributing imports, I was always jealous of sites in the US that did that.

While is often fast and easy to use, it doesn't always stock the more interesting editions of stuff.

Also, having never touched Gundam ever (there's just so much of it... I'm never sure where to start). Is this a good jumping off point?
NoSurprises said:
Excited by the prospect of Anime Limited distributing imports, I was always jealous of sites in the US that did that.

While is often fast and easy to use, it doesn't always stock the more interesting editions of stuff.

Also, having never touched Gundam ever (there's just so much of it... I'm never sure where to start). Is this a good jumping off point?

Going by what I've read of the manga version, I'd say yes - very much so - after all, the Origin kinda does what it says on the tin, it is the 'original' Gundam in terms of the characters/story it tells. Though by that same extension it's also quite old-school, in terms of art/style, general feel and tone.

On the other hand, you've Wing - which is so 90s, but very brutal/dark in a lot of senses, and my personal favourite - SEED - which is glossy and colourful in a very early 00s sort of way, focuses more on its relationships/female characters in my opinion.