@anime_andrew Is Tamako Market likely to be released this year?
@anime_andrew Is Tamako Market likely to be released this year?
Thanks. Really looking forward to it ☺.I can jump in on this one (as I'm handling the project!) - this is currently very much in progress and currently on track for a release later this year, so hopefully we'll be able to share more details soon-ish.![]()
How many people buy brick and mortar nowadays? The only one I can think of that does sell anime is HMV and that closed in my city. Maybe Forbidden Planet, but ours has a handful especially compared to their manga selection.This would affect sales numbers, as at least brick & mortal stores most likely would refuse to stock these.
On the other hand: The French market is quite small, and at least some of these titles wouldn't make up the costs associated with a French release (e.g. not using US-discs, translating content, getting French license)
First things first, I am very happy that you were able to offer some updates for each title mentioned, I figured I would at least bring them up in case no one did. Some I didn't bring up because the outcome was pretty obvious.Sure thing:
Please understand that we're working hard to clear all our backlog so you'll see a wave of titles this year that speak to that (Dragon Dentist, Love Live Sunshine Season 2, Utena, Cardcaptor Sakura, Plastic Memories, Konosuba, Ajin Season 2, Violet Evergarden, Full Metal Panic S4, Megalobox, B the Beginning) as well as a raft of new titles like Weathering With You, Promare, Sword Art Online Season 3, Birthday Wonderland and loads of Gundam! we have a few yet to be announced projects left in the bag for this year too
- Cyber City Oedo 808: Still ongoing - this one has no glorious assets like Perfect Blue did so restoring it to a better quality is pretty painful work really. It's not forgotten and is still moving - just slowly.
- High School Fleet: This one isn't moving currently. This is going to be a turbulent year for independents like us and sadly we need to focus on what we know is going to make back costs sooner (as BBFC cost, authoring and packaging are not cheap as upfront costs). Sadly a Blu-Ray release of High School Fleet is not on that list sadly - as while there are fans it's likely to take a lot longer to make back the costs than initial pre-orders. I'd really hoped to get this out this year but at this stage I'd not hold your breath (never say never though...)
- InuYasha (Season 1): Ongoing - Season 1 on BD isn't out until July last I checked in the USA so we won't be able to go out until after that
. But it's on our 2020 slate so we'll update when we're ready
- Kakegurui: Compulsive Gambler: Ongoing - access to language assets is slowing things somewhat here - will keep folks updated though!
- Magic Knight Rayearth: Spent a fair while clearing assets for this one - but it's on-going and moving so stay tuned
. We had some fun assets to chase down for it.
- MEGALOBOX: Ongoing - we'll have news on this one pretty soon so stay tuned
- Sword Art Online: Alicization: This one is ongoing and will be following roughly same trajectory as Madman - we'll have more on that soon but expect it in Q3.
- The poor soul that is Turn-A Gundam: Long may it remain tormented. This one we really want to do - but because it's a different structure of deal to normal, things work a bit differently to normal. It remains on the agenda but given the heavy costs associated with releasing it via BBFC it's a bit further up the queue for Gundam. Realistically I'd say not 2020 for it, but 2021 is a confident shot. Rest assured though we do have plenty of Gundam in 2020 for you though!
- We Rent Tsukumogami: Like High School Fleet, it's not moving just now and would love to do something but given lack of any movement Stateside with a licensee too and this being the first time anyone has followed up on it, it's likely to hang tight this year I am afraid.
Unfortunately that does leave a few titles we wanted to get out this year as a matter of a priority a bit further out than we'd like and while we were at the start of the year on-track to clear our whole backlog out - that just isn't going to be practical now given the shift in resources in the current climate. It's as frustrating for us as it is for y'all too but we're thankful right now for managing a much more consistent flow of content this year and we continue to adjust when we announce titles to keep that gap between announcement and release shorter than in the past.
Very best,
Depends on how popular the title is - Dragon Ball most likely had other shares than e.g. Love Live.How many people buy brick and mortar nowadays?
The French market is different from the UK: Some popular shows that air on TV (like DB, FT, MHA) create a lot of revenue, and several anime were hits in French cinemas. But the rest of the anime home video market is small, with several popular titles not even aviable for sale in France - and others DVD-only to avoid costs associated with Blu-ray-mastering.I thought France was a bigger market or am I thinking more of an older demographic that grew up in the 70/80s. Gundam would probably work, but not newer stuff I guess.
Birthday Wonderland
I can jump in on this one (as I'm handling the project!) - this is currently very much in progress and currently on track for a release later this year, so hopefully we'll be able to share more details soon-ish.![]()
hoping for some amazon titles like Dropkick on My Devil or Happy Sugar Life but they're probably too niche, then again they did announce a new love live release so there is some hopeThanks for the update @anime_andrew and @Hanners!
It's nice to know we are getting plenty of Anime releases this year!
I'm also intrigued that there are some more titles that are unannounced, I wonder what they are?