Every time Anime Limited make an announcement I can't help hoping that it's Nichijou on Blu-ray.
Setting aside that disappointment (it's not like I really expect it but I can't give up), the announcements were quite interesting.
It looks like I might have to stop buying everything that Anime Limited release. I don't think I can justify blind-buying SAO2 and Aldnoah Zero is unlikely to be my kind of show. I suppose I could give watching both a go though, maybe I'll find I enjoy them and want to get the sets. I'm cautious about SAO because it has many elements that I should like but I'm generally not a fan of over-powered characters and I've heard bad things about the way it treats some of it's characters (though it does seem to be a divisive show in general).
I'll almost certainly get Fuse, it's on my list of obscure things I'm interested in (also on that list "Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl", not sure why I specifically link those two but I guess it's just because they were both released by NISA).
It's fairly likely I'll get the Durarara!! releases, although I should really watch the first season and maybe try the stream since reactions seem to be mixed for the new season.
I hope these shows all do well for Anime Limited because the more money they have the more likely they'll throw some of it away by releasing things I'm hoping for, like Nichijou on Blu-ray. I'm still tempted to get the shows I don't want purely to support Anime Limited because I'm fond of what they've done so far (and they seem to have a good attitude in general, I hope they can keep that up).