anime_andrew said:
britguy said:
Looks nice but im canceling my pre order. In no rush to pay £28 for a film especially as I'm reevaluating my AL spending habits.
Fair play! I'm always curious - how are you re-evaluating your AL spending habits since you brought it up

It's more reevaluating my spending habits in general tbh.
I've traditionally bought everything from you guys day 1, and by everything I mean everything lol (other than tokyo esp). As I'm in the unenviable position of saving for a mortgage deposit, I've still enabled myself to keep up with the AL releases, but now im thinking "hmm I could be saving more" and "do I really need a collectors edition of this right now? " etc it's only been the last week or so I've been thinking about my AL spending specifically and it's likely something that will pass
I'm just examining my preorders thinking "do I need it day 1?" You guys are pretty much the only company I preorder titles for, I still see several that I desperately want asap, but others I could spread out over the months.
Edit - good ti hear about Hokusai. That's a preorder keeper lol