Thousand Master
I hope the Naruto BDs do sell well in the year 2024.
Compared to Bleach and One Piece, Naruto nowadays isn't the massive money maker as it used to be, although I'm fear that the later fillerish BD sets will be very poor sellers.
The way the filler is set out, you kind of have to buy all the sets if you're getting the CEs. You need up to episode 135 (or up to 142, but you can get away with watching up to 135 and then skipping to the final episode) + the final episode to have all the canon episodes.
So you'll need collector editions up to set 3 (episodes 1-165) + set 4 for the final episode.
As @ussjtrunks says, some standard editions will probably sell less well because of this. If you want to go through a filler-free run with the standard editions, you'd need sets 1 to 5 (1 to 137) and set 8 for the last episode (220).
Sets 6 and 7 will be the big filler sets that will likely sell worse. And if you want to be a completionist and have every bit of canon you'll need episodes 141 and 142 as well, so you'll need set 6. Set 7 is entirely filler.
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