UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

I watched Macross Plus when Manga UK released it in the 90s, but not since. I thought it was the dryest thing I'd ever seen. Maybe (much) older me will like it more. Would've preferred a CE though, so might wait for that or a SE. Zero seems more like my kind of thing.

I kind of hate Gunbuster 2. Already got Project A-Ko and Akiba Maid War. Nothing else of interest there really.

This gives me a chance to catch up with the deluge of stuff they've released so far this year!
I think Gunbuster 2 being here is maybe a bit premature? Discotek released the first, produced a dub and had it sorted before we got it. I know theres been some things in between but I sorta wonder what happens if/when Discotek picks it up. Will have to see.

Am pleased that Macross Plus will include both the approved Bandai redub of the 4th part of the OVAs , but also the original dub of that will be included, so you get original cast and of course Bryan Cranston as the lead for all 4 parts, albeit, probably with the same issues with the music (I would want see the details specifically, when those are out). Though, will be inclined to stick to cheaper, smaller release for that, unless there's something strange about this whole thing.
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All titles I'm definitely interested in though I hope they do a CE / LE for Macross Plus (similar to NGE and Nadia) as UE's are pricey and awkward to store, why I haven't bought any before and though I want Macross Plus I don't think it's a series I care enough about to crack and get an UE (as lovely as some of them are).

Project A-KO was a nice surprise, had a feeling it was a possibility but wasn't something I was expecting really. I do wonder if they'll release the other entries though I know they're not as well received.

Unfortunate that I didn't get the Carole & Tuesday and Lupin Zero announcements I wanted but I still feel they'll come eventually.

I was kind of hoping we'd see something about a home video release of The First Slam Dunk though, still really want to see that as I missed out on the cinema screenings.
I asked about bleach and the reason it's taking so long is because its so old it goes through committee and the committee has been slow approving it, tybw however should be soon and they do hope to get the original out in 2024.
I've heard licencing anything Bleach related is a pain. I have a friend who works for a US based toy company and they decided to cut their losses and gave the licence back after the committee wanted revisions 3 months after prior approval and after the figures had gone into production scuppering all the work they'd done.
I'm honestly happy enough with those announcements. I'm not a massive fan of Macross Plus & even less so of Zero, but it's nice they're both getting releases. It is funny to me that the Ultimate edition uses the same artwork as my ratty 20+ year old dvd set, but I guess those designs are striking enough in 'hella 90's' sort of way. There are personally nicer art pieces on the cards, but it's hardly a deal breaker for me. I'll leave that to the price.

And with the reveal of Zero, I can only assume Anime Limited are going to release all of Kawamori's 'eco-cult phase' shows? Here's to Earth Maiden Arjuna being next. Damn, that series would require so many disclaimers today re: its views towards female body automony, gender dysphoria etc.

I already picked up Discotek's release of Project A-Ko in a bulk purchase a year or so back, but I'll do so again for the standard amaray when it's reasonably priced, just like I eventually plan to do for Gunbuster. It's cool that AL sub-licensing of Discotek properties isn't exclusive to that one show, although given how niche their titles usually are, & how small the UK market is, I doubt there are that many opportunities that will be financially viable. Maybe I'll be proved wrong.

And speaking of which, I wish they'd officially call Gunbuster 2, Diebuster already, given how little the two titles have to do with one another. I watched it a few years back after hearing nothing but hate from the Gunbuster fandom for years, & I honestly quite enjoyed the experience of watching the ova... it's just terrible in the context of being a sequel.

Well, that's probably a decision coming from the JP side of things, & it's hardly enough to stop me buying it. But yeah, like it's been already said, I hope it isn't pushed out too quickly, only for the US to get a more complete release. It wouldn't be the first time.

Oh, & Akiba Maid War getting a UK release is wonderful news & fortunately saves me importing it. That series is easily one of the highlights of the past few years. That said, it did strike me as the type of show MVM would traditionally release here, & I am getting a bit worried about their future if AL snipes all of Sentai's new big acquisitions, in addition to combing through their back catalogue.
Oh, & Akiba Maid War getting a UK release is wonderful news & fortunately saves me importing it. That series is easily one of the highlights of the past few years. That said, it did strike me as the type of show MVM would traditionally release here, & I am getting a bit worried about their future if AL snipes all of Sentai's new big acquisitions, in addition to combing through their back catalogue.

That did cross my mind as well, I kind of hope MVM can get "Oshi no Ko" so they have at least one recent big hitter to release though would likely not get a CE / LE from them as it's only a standard / steelbook in the U.S. (unless MVM bring over the steelbook).

At the same time it would get a CE if AL got it and I can see them not wanting to lose the opportunity to grab one of the most popular shows of recent.