Nah, because we'd actually have the news now in that scenario.
It actually feels cruel at this stage to keep leading Gundam fans on. People have money. People want to support the official releases. It really shouldn't be this bloody drawn out and continuously feel like Gundam just is no longer a priority for them.
Tagging in with Andy here on this to add a few points to keep in mind:
1) With Bandai Namco Arts & Sunrise currently merging into one entity - some of the important elements like paperwork and materials are understandable a lot slower than ideal here. Certainly than when things were discussed earlier in the year there. Nobody at fault on either side but it takes time to sort.
2) Gundam remains a priority for us - but please do. understand that firstly the US company releasing it had effectively only Gundam for that period - we have a considerably wider pipeline in the UK of titles and commitments to balance with it too. Combined with (1) it adds another dimension to things.
There certainly isn't a case of when we feel like it though, as we love Gundam and the audience for that is super strong so delivering to folks there is a high priority to us
Hope this helps somewhat and we'll be back with more as soon as we can!