Anime Central looking for UK cosplayers for TV show


Ghost of Animes
The UK's own dedicated anime TV channel <em>Anime Central</em> are looking to showcase enthusiastic anime cosplayers based in the UK for a special feature set to air around the New Year holidays. If you're interested, <a href="">read the full press release</a> or head over to their <a href="">official website</a>.
You guys are being a bit pessimistic - there's a reason why they're asking people to send pictures etc, clearly they are exercising some quality control and also, there's a world of difference between Chart Show Channels and Rapture TV. Yes, it might be terribly embarrassing, but it at least shows some investment and thought for the future, and well, some personality on Anime Central would be a good thing.
Personality yes but really, seeing adults dressed as their favourite anime characters could make make people just flick the channel over. It makes me cringe just thinking about it if I'm honest. I mean sure they have the guts to do it and all and I'm sure they find it fun but it just rings of the inherent 'nerdy' element attached to anime and lets face it, that's one of the main things that put people off watching anime.

'Watch anime and next year this could be you!'
Ah man that should be the slogan with the picture of the big black guy dressed up as sailor moon :p

I know there are some good cosplay plays but lets be honest there like the star wars fans there are good costume but in the end it's still embrassing to watch.

But i suppose there are some good human looking ones like death note.
Well, if our meals was nearly the same as the japanese, we won't be having over weight people...

Lets face it, their body is designed for cosplaying compare to us and our chicken and chips, or fish and chips or Pizzas, which is all very fattening.
The only people that can cosplay are the Japanese themselves, or westerners that are carbon copies of the characters they are playing.
wow paul, seems like this thread has kicked of poorly.

but some cosplayers realy do make a good effete, just look at some of the images I posted on the cosplay thread, in the image section.
and with costumes like that and the right chrisma, it all looks fine.

just need to add some more internaional cosplayers
Sy said:
Personality yes but really, seeing adults dressed as their favourite anime characters could make make people just flick the channel over. It makes me cringe just thinking about it if I'm honest. I mean sure they have the guts to do it and all and I'm sure they find it fun but it just rings of the inherent 'nerdy' element attached to anime and lets face it, that's one of the main things that put people off watching anime.

'Watch anime and next year this could be you!'

I know what you mean - it's potentially embarrassing if you're trying to present anime as serious entertainment and some fat bloke dressed as Faye from Bebop suddenly appears. However, thinking about it, new elements of our culture only seem to take hold once they define themselves as clearly different from everything else - take, for example, unflipped manga; no-one would believe that people would be willing to read a foreign comic backwards, yet it's completely the opposite - people embrace it because it's different. Anime culture definitely needs something like that, and little elements like cosplay attract a completely different and diverse crowd (much of which is female).

Though it's natural to try and hide the more bizarre sides of something, it's actually those eccentricities that people love the most.
They showed a clip about cosplaying once on either GamerTV or uh ...Some show about Japan hosted by a somewhat queer bloke I think (Well, I'm pretty sure, but I'm not making judgments now) and from what I remember, even though it was Japanese cosplayers, as some would have it 'the best of the lot' they weren't portrayed very positively, it was kind of a 'Oh look, it's some strange people dressing up like children as their favourite characters, how amusing!'
So, I dunno, is it a realy good idea? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't show cosplay in a negative sense one Anime Central but it still may not some across in a good way? Ugh, I dunno.
This sounds very much like content for a broader show rather than the sum total of the content as some seem to be thinking. I personally do not see an issue with Anime Central portraying this on the screen and can only see it as a positive thing. I also cannot agree with the many disparaging comments about UK cosplayers; many are only willing to see/remember the extremes but there are many good cosplayers in the UK. Finally don't knock until it you have seen what they have actually produced. It could very easily be much better than you expect (but with this amount of pessimism it would be fairly hard not to be :p)
Ther are some real asses in this thread.

Gawyn said:
This sounds very much like content for a broader show rather than the sum total of the content as some seem to be thinking. I personally do not see an issue with Anime Central portraying this on the screen and can only see it as a positive thing. I also cannot agree with the many disparaging comments about UK cosplayers; many are only willing to see/remember the extremes but there are many good cosplayers in the UK. Finally don't knock until it you have seen what they have actually produced. It could very easily be much better than you expect (but with this amount of pessimism it would be fairly hard not to be :p)


This is me:

And this Photobucket account contains a good few pictures: ... e_climber/

There are some really great cosplayers in this country. I've met some and become friends with a few. What exactly is wrong with showcasing this on TV?
I think it is a fun idea to showcase Cosplay - those with brilliant outfits will get a kick out of it and it may inspire others to try it and/or improve their skills. I have only cosplayed once ever, not as an anime character, and found it a laugh. Do know that it does not appeal to everybody but it is harmless fun and not everyone hates it!

...won't be able to watch it either way as I don't have SKY, Doh!