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    What Games Are You Playing?

    Currently playing Final Fantasy XI...again. Played it constantly years ago, stopped for a few years, then played on and off for awhile and now im back to playing. Being unemployed at the moment isn't helping my addiction issue either.
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    The General Conversation Area

    Haha, I love how you described that. Sadly its so true
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    MUJS Christmas Cosplay Party :: Saturday 11th December 9pm

    Mentioned this to my husband, he actually seemed interested in going and checking it out, though with me trying to get my kitty over here we can't really afford to splash out on making costumes or anything. We'll see though
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    Pets!!! Horned frog!

    My mom had one for awhile, very awesome indeed.
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    The General Conversation Area

    Oh yea there are a lot of second hand music shops in the states, those are great for getting anime and video games too. I used to stock up there a lot. Had a nice one within walking distance of me, which was awesome.
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    The General Conversation Area

    Yea I can see why some people think that, and hell even I can see that when I compare it to cities in the states. I do like walking around Harrogate but when it comes to shopping, I do most of it online, if anything for the sake of variety. Borders was the first shop I noticed when I came...
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    The General Conversation Area

    Australian carbonated beverages? Interesting.
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    The General Conversation Area

    Very true on all counts. Aww thanks, likewise =D Congrats!!! I still need to get my driving situation sorted out. I have until July next year but it be best to get my UK license before that.
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    The General Conversation Area

    Ah well that's good. I know what it's like having to wait to see your other half. My husband and I had a 4 month visit interval. It was tough let me tell you.
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    The General Conversation Area

    What are you talking about? I LOVE the pouring down rain we've been getting here all damn day. haha Actually, the weather here doesn't bother me to much, I'll miss the nice warm/hot summers for sure but I do enjoy being here and life is more...calm. I moved here to be with my husband actually.
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    Possible UK [adult swim] channel coming soon?

    IMO, Adult Swim isn't as good as it used to be. I remember a few weeks before I left the States in June, while in the hospital they had it playing on my personal TV and some of the shows they have on it now....I was just kinda like "WTF? was that" And some of the Dubbed anime they played to me...
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    Viz launches Free manga iPad app

    Yea I agree, I would sooner spend the $5 at the local book store then on the Ipad imo. But then again, I've always been one to enjoy showing off my collection on a book shelf or two vs being all downloaded and stored on a computer or something.
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    I keep on looking at that game thinking I should get it.
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    Amusing guide to starting a convention.

    HAHA that is fantastic.
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    Japan Questions

    I'd say start off in Tokyo. You can buy a LOT of anime related products, and getting around the city would be a bit more easier since English is used pretty frequently there. (in case you aren't to savvy on the language). Def do research on the matter, there are some decent places to stay at a...
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    The General Conversation Area

    Glad to hear ^-^ ~_~ Wish I could say the same.
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    Hello and welcome! Ahh Cowboy Bebop, haven't seen that in ages.
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    Hi ive just joined.....

    Nice little selection you have there.
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    The General Conversation Area

    Thats both awesome and sad news. lol I know what it's like having to work life around work. I used to have to work 80+ hour weeks in the states and even though each year I got a weeks paid holiday, I never took it cause well, I never had anywhere to really I was to tired and...
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    Hi ive just joined.....

    Wooo welcome to the forum!! Nice anime selection you got there, what games do you play?