Japan Questions


Completely Average High School Student
Hey everyone,

I was planning to go Japan in the months to come, and I was wondering if you guys knew any cool places to check out when I go there. What city I should stay, what area's I should visit, shops to go...blahblahblah...
I'd appreciate if anyone who has knowledge of Japan can help me out here :D
Waaaaay too general. You need to at least work out which city you want to stay in and say what sort of stuff you're vaguely interested in, or we could be here all day.
Yeahhh sorry about that :oops: Well, I've always wanted to see Tokyo, ermmmm I'm obviously really interested in Animes, I'm also very interested in Games, Hmmm, I remember hearing about a Hugeee Gundam statue being put up, I've always wanted to take a look at that.

Is that okay so far or do you need more info ?
Be honest, this is just some ridiculous plan you've decided on in the last 20 minutes. Tokyo is one of the greatest cities in the world and you want to because of a giant Gundam statue? (Noob tip: It's not there any more)

Go and do some actual research on Japan and Tokyo, look into the costs of hotels and flights etc. show some genuine enthusiasm and interest and we will be more than happy to help.
The Gundam is in Shizuoka now, you can get there easily on the shinkansen. It's expensive though so if you are seriously planning on going and want to see a few cities, get yourself a JR Pass - a prepaid "travelcard" to ease the pain of long distance travel on a trip. If you're there and like Gundam, popping to see the gigantic one is worth a trip.

Are you planning on travelling in winter, and do you have any interest in cultural activities (e.g. looking at shrines, castles, other fancy stuff) or just hardcore anime fandom activities (my preference :)).

If you time it right you could of course hit winter Comiket...

It would be helpful to know your preferences. For example, I have been there lots of times, but I'm an old woman who likes reading Boys Love doujinshi. So any shops I suggest may be of only mild usefulness.

Mo3ooo said:
Well, I've always wanted to see Tokyo,

I'd say start off in Tokyo. You can buy a LOT of anime related products, and getting around the city would be a bit more easier since English is used pretty frequently there. (in case you aren't to savvy on the language). Def do research on the matter, there are some decent places to stay at a manageable price. I would also suggest trying to find connections over there, always a good thing to have someone to be able to turn to in case you need help.
@ Rui - Loved that comment about BL. :)

@Mo3ooo - Seriously, you could spend the whole time in Tokyo, its a huge metropolis with so much to see. I went on an anime/manga trip the last time I was there but what I found the most fascinating was the non-anime/manga stuff. If you dont know the language travelling outside Tokyo could be a bit tricky. But for your anime fix in Tokyo head for Akihabara and Nakano Broadway.

Overall, just try experiencing a number of different things. Its the weird and wonderful side of Tokyo that I find the most baffling. And learn some phrases before you go, it will help a lot.

M.G x
Otaku-san said:

Good to know.

ps. Gainax totally get it. Smiley / Bell / **** 0:14-0:32 & 1:10:
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Hehe, thank you everyone for the tips and the advice, Believe it or not but you guys have helped me out ALOT, I'm a bit slow with things so I may not be quick to figure things out by myself so bear with me :oops: I hope in the future to be known and properly become apart of the forums aswell :D Thanks again
Mo3ooo said:
Hehe, thank you everyone for the tips and the advice, Believe it or not but you guys have helped me out ALOT, I'm a bit slow with things so I may not be quick to figure things out by myself so bear with me :oops: I hope in the future to be known and properly become apart of the forums aswell :D Thanks again

Hmm cute? You may call me onii-chan :evil: