The General Conversation Area

Churchy99 said:
s someone whos learnt German, when you start off it feels confusing as you're familiar with such a system but once you get used to it, it follows the patterns and it becomes much easier and makes a load more sense in terms of consistency.
That's certainly true when compared to French, especially in virtue of the different pronunciation systems. Aside subtle differences in common sentential constrictions between our language and theirs, cases were my only notable difficulty. (I hear that certain Slavonic languages have as many as six cases, which would be even more daunting.)
ilmaestro said:
Tachi- said:
tablets aren't the answer to everything
I think you have escalated Arby's problem to something way above what it sounded like, haha.

I thought that was my job? ;)

last day! all tidy at home and all packed. just have to kill the next few hours. hoping my pin comes today, otherwise the nice paycheck i got this week will be sat in my account, gathering interest and possibly dust........know one thing......due to my spending account NEVER has time to gather dust (or interest) it goes in, it comes out, and then repeats.

Hoping that i have enough money after this weekend to go buy naruto shippuden storm 2 :)

the temptation to just put my laptop on my desk and sit there watching movies instead of work is so tempting. especially after working my **** off yesterday.
Hmm, haven't had Subway in ages, may have to look on one tomorrow now that you mention that, Stu.

Zin5ki said:
Delete every third word, Stuart. The grammar may suffer as a result, though your word count will be sufficiently trimmed.
Stuart-says-yes said:
I had a dream today about eating biscuit with icing on top (best I've had dream yet).
Modern technology is not sufficiently advanced to realise this culinary wonder.

Worry not; compromises exist. For example, there is something known as a Penguin Sandwich Bar, or simply "Penguin" for short, which consists of two biscuits bound together by the mortal soul of an Antarctic flightless bird.
Stuart-says-yes said:
I had a dream today about eating biscuit with icing on top (best I've had dream yet).

Recently my Broadbands been decreasing to around 0.04 Mbps which was rather strange as it hasn't happened more than once in the same week before.
I found out, some-one's managed to rack up 40GB of downloads in the last month, to be fair, around 15GB of that was me,
but even then where has the other 25 GB appeared from?
(my download limit in a month is 40 GB btw)
Who else could it possibly be? Do you have siblings who it might be? Someone stealing your wireless?
With all this talk about dreams I'll pitch in.

A few nights ago I dreamt of Emma Watson. There we were standing on the side of some road in Reading. Then we started walking and arguing, walking, arguing etc (in a humorous way)

When we stopped we had somehow arrived at the edge of Lake Windermere.

It was then that she told me I had a role in her new film that would be shooting tomorrow.

The next night I dreamt about Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors.

Only thing I remember in my recent dreams is I was in the kitchen, mixing sake and coke together, and downing it/filling up/downing again...
Never tried it though, and never will.

Finally, I'm on a 2-week break from Booths (although I'm still working T.J's shifts... boo!) Actually got some time to catch up and clean up.
X-mas shopping is the next to-do thing out of the usual routine. Have no idea what I'm gonna be up to otherwise though...

How's everyone anyways?

AHAAAAA! Greetings all! :D

Hope your all doing well? I happened across some free time so I thought I'd check up on the forums. I'm glad to see it still seems to be a hive of activity here on AUKN.
Howdy strangers Voddas and Chaz. Life is improving, one small step at a time (like slowly inching a fridge-freezer over a cliff... or something). How are things with you guys?
Afternoon Ayase! Life is also going ok here, changed job (one of the reasons for disappearing) which is going well. Just come back from a two week holiday in Florida, so I can't complain. I cought a 3 foot Lemon Shark while I was out there! Did quite a bit of fishing actually... fishing and drinking. Awesome holiday! Can't beleive it's come and gone already...

*looks up and around his office, then breaks down in tears*
The closest thing to fishing near me was a guy hanging around my baked bagels at work. It was like he had a spear and was ready to stab at them with the tongs - lol.

Well, got a few things done today - cleaning kitchen surfaces/sinks, tidying, laundry, grouting, showerroom... and getting another shift at work. ¬_¬
I'm gonna ask them tomorrow if they knew I had time off from Booths and how they obtained it. Otherwise - I told them not to call me on monday/tuesdays.
Still, it's a full day's shift in the stock room = no bitchy customers, wear jeans and t-shirt and full breaks. Should be an easy day.
Bought naruto storm 2 at the weekend, had a messy drinking weekend with the missus, today been moving the dept to hertfordshire.....realised its ****.... thankfully AUKN isn't blocked and they are running windows 98.

back to the stone age.....okay......sod this.....give it 5 mins before i pull a Tachi and override everything.

back tomorrow ;)