The General Conversation Area

Right, moved across :)

today seems like i don't actually have any work, they have restricted as much as possible, but i know my way around most things and have managed to find loopholes. the current dilema is to get access to my msn. if i can't get that then i will be bored..... going to check the national express aswell.

whats everyone upto?

windows 95..... so badly goin to change this before it gets too borin lol
Studying. Pure an simple studying. That's all i've got to do from now for three and a half weeks. Then exams will be over and i'll be "free" for christmas. I expect a little less stress over christmas, but i need to start my research as soon as i finish my exams this semester, so i'll be just as busy as normal.

Bar that. suffering from a cold and lack of, to no sleep. But no surprise there ;p Gotta keep up appearances after all.
Tachi- said:
the current dilema is to get access to my msn
My current dilemma is that it's too easy to get access to MSN, lol. No idea why MS thinks this new "messenger via Hotmail" thing will take off and be a serious challenge to Facebook or whatever, but they certainly shouldn't have made it default to sign you in whenever you go to check your email.
ahh, right. sorry the thing wasn't posting last time i tried.

Still loving naruto shippuden storm 2. completed the Itachi v Sasuke "arch" :) got every main "boss" fight at S rank. until Itachi...bloody Sousanoo took too much of my health and the reactions time to gain stars is much shorter.

Fought and won a fair few ranked matches aswell. only problems i've had where idiots using hokage naruto. people spam minato aswell. but as i've learnt, naruto shuriken rasengan makes short work of minato
Stuart-says-yes said:
ah, I'm scared,I'm in the middle of no-where, in a house, by myself and there is noises, scary creeky noises. Its like the perfect set-up from a horror film except it isn't quite dark yet.

Im scared, in a hospital in the middle of no-where, surrounded by mental health wards full of nutjobs, there are weird noises, scary shouting noises. Its like the perfect set-up from a horror film except i'm no hero.

:p sad thing is.... thats true aswell.

leaving at 4.30today. started work at half 8 this morning. these bloody early mornings are kiling me i tell ya, was up till 2am (naruto storm 2 is addictive) then up for 7am. the one saviour is that i'm wearing full formal attire except the shoes. i'm wanderin about in my trainers.

Me and a colleague are goin on a adventure round the hospital tomorrow. need to find the restaurant before we die on boring sandwiches!!!!! job has changed as of yesterday, a mini break down lead me to leave my job in administration of units and wards and start a new leaf as the Training administrator. Another thing for the CV and a new job role to learn. so far its looking less stressful :)

booked xmas days off and next friday too. need some freedom!!!!
Stuart-says-yes said:
ah, I'm scared,I'm in the middle of no-where, in a house, by myself and there is noises, scary creeky noises. Its like the perfect set-up from a horror film except it isn't quite dark yet.
When you say "the middle of nowhere"... it is your house, right? ^^;
With Crimbo coming up and the amount of stuff some of order online this is one to watch out for.

From an e-mail at work.

"Be aware, one of our staff has been contacted by the Police and informed that a Bogus text message has been sent to both private and company mobile saying that they have been unable to deliver a parcel. It then asks you to reply to the text. If you reply it will cost £200.

It seems similar to a postal scam reported today on the internet

A card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them on an 0906 number (Premium rate).

DO NOT call this number, as this is a mail scam originating from Belize.

If you call the number and you start to hear a recorded message you will already have been billed £315 for the phone call."
Dracos said:
DO NOT call this number, as this is a mail scam originating from Belize.
Why would some group of scoundrels wish to run a scam from the depths of Hertfordshire? I thought the place was too pleasant for such wickedness.
Just accidentally downloaded a torrent onto a memory card because my ridiculous computer decided to swap drive letters for no apparent reason, again. Which has also f*cked up iTunes, again.

I'm within 2.54 centimetres of buying a mac.
ayase said:
Just accidentally downloaded a torrent onto a memory card because my ridiculous computer decided to swap drive letters for no apparent reason, again. Which has also f*cked up iTunes, again.

I'm within 2.54 centimetres of buying a mac.

Which wouldn't help you, but ok.
Oh it would. I'm becoming very pissed off with the random, occasionally debilitating things Windows has started doing to me recently.

Granted I am still running Vista, but Microsoft can shove the £80 they want for 7 up their arses.
ayase said:
Oh it would. I'm becoming very pissed off with the random, occasionally debilitating things Windows has started doing to me recently.

Granted I am still running Vista, but Microsoft can shove the £80 they want for 7 up their arses.

Operating Systems cost, simple. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure you need to buy the Mac OS upgrades too. (Never looked into it though, i'm just assuming).

Vista has been flawed since release, you should have held off man.

I'm with Aogu, a mac won't help.