The General Conversation Area

Stuart-says-yes said:
However the royal wedding has made me aware of something, each person in britain pays the equivalent of 62p per year to the queen = £38,000,000 a year. How come that isn't going into thinks that need the money like the NHS or schools instead, I mean its not like the royals aren't already rich.

This is why we need to stop funding these unelected sponges, who are simply tourist attractions for the country.

We'd be fine without them, and I'd be interested to see a figure of how much they actually bring into the country. When we switch to a king, it's going to cost an absurd amount just in the legal system changing all the f*cking plaques from "Queens Bench" to "Kings Bench" etc. It's ludicrous.
So you don't actually have any idea whether they are a net benefit for the economy, but you're definitely certain you want them done away with? Very un-lawyer like. :p
The Queen: 62p.

Farmers: £48.

The NHS: £1589.

Private banks, which would have collapsed in the very free market society they advocate: £13700.

The Government: Priceless.
ilmaestro said:
So you don't actually have any idea whether they are a net benefit for the economy, but you're definitely certain you want them done away with? Very un-lawyer like. :p

I'm just against having unelected individuals leading the UK. The Queen does still legally have a Private Army, and we have a (albeit useless at times) Government to run the country now.

By losing the Monarchy, we can invest the money we save into other areas in the economy, and probably end up making the money they 'bring in' back through that method. The amount they spend (Read: Waste) is unbelievable.

This wedding will cost far to much, and tax-payers will be the ones funding it.
Students rioting and causing over a million pounds worth of damage... normally I’d care that the youth of today (or rather my age bracket) are acting this way.... but due to the circumstances, I quote Frankie boyle "******* go with it man"

Some things the government have they'll do and not do have been ignored. lib dems promised no increased uni fees. I heard on radio 2 today that their cop out to "YOU LIARS" is " they where promises for if we won the election, as we didn't they don't apply" to which the reporter/interviewer replied "but you won as a coalition you should honour your promises" to which the guy gave the equivalent to a shrug and walked off.
I know I am late, but happy birthday Tachi, Ryo.

Stuart-says-yes said:
Apparently the 29th of april is now a bank holiday because of the royal wedding, but why does anyone care, its just the rich throwing there money around, so why do we need to take a day off? its not there isn't already bank holidays in april.

If it is a bank holiday, then employers don't have to let you have the day off - it's only public holidays that have to be a day off.

Tachi- said:
Students rioting and causing over a million pounds worth of damage... normally I’d care that the youth of today (or rather my age bracket) are acting this way.... but due to the circumstances, I quote Frankie boyle "fu.cking go with it man"

Some things the government have they'll do and not do have been ignored. lib dems promised no increased uni fees. I heard on radio 2 today that their cop out to "YOU LIARS" is " they where promises for if we won the election, as we didn't they don't apply" to which the reporter/interviewer replied "but you won as a coalition you should honour your promises" to which the guy gave the equivalent to a shrug and walked off.

The fact that it is a coalition government means there has to be give & take on policy. Just because Lib Dems promised not to increase uni fees does not mean that the Conservatives did (plus the public finances are probably alot worse than the Lib Dems thought they were). Also not many governments end up doing everything that they promised they would before they were elected.
Ryo Chan said:
Students over the past few weeks have caused more damage to uk property than terrorists have in the past 10 years

nuff said, ship em all out to iraq ;)

You sir, are a cad! where's my duelling glove?

i don't agree with the way students have gone about it.... but i do agree with their cause, uni fees are debts that people spend a third ifnot more of their life as adults paying back. 3x's the debt means that people could never pay it off. then what? you get out of uni with a first, no jobs to go into... your stuffed.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Bah, I'm not happy today, I went all out last night to get a composition drawing done and we didn't even need it for art today, even though we were told we would :( I could have gone to bed 2 hours earlier at least, if I wasn't going to need it in the end.

This is why lazy asses still manage to pass their exams/coursework. Heck, in my old school, even after there was a strict deadline for the Art moderations, the art teacher let people come in during lunch to 'unofficially' add stuff. I worked my ass off to get my work done for the final date, and it pisses me off that a bunch of morons can pass simply because the fuckin' teacher does it for them. Dx
Tachi- said:
Ryo Chan said:
Students over the past few weeks have caused more damage to uk property than terrorists have in the past 10 years

nuff said, ship em all out to iraq ;)

You sir, are a cad! where's my duelling glove?

i don't agree with the way students have gone about it.... but i do agree with their cause, uni fees are debts that people spend a third ifnot more of their life as adults paying back. 3x's the debt means that people could never pay it off. then what? you get out of uni with a first, no jobs to go into... your stuffed.

and on the counter retort, so say we keep the education fees as they are, we need to take the money some other way.

Raise VAT, lay off more people

get out of uni, and even fewer job to apply for, of which in the end 8/10 times u'll be overlooked for older/more experienced staff with half the qualifications said student has

There is no winners anywhere, only losers, and while yes i do understand and feel for these students, there's plenty of us who have never been near a uni and gone onto get good jobs and a decent life, it's not like you have no choice but to go to uni
mangaman74 said:
I know I am late, but happy birthday Tachi, Ryo.

Stuart-says-yes said:
Apparently the 29th of april is now a bank holiday because of the royal wedding, but why does anyone care, its just the rich throwing there money around, so why do we need to take a day off? its not there isn't already bank holidays in april.

If it is a bank holiday, then employers don't have to let you have the day off - it's only public holidays that have to be a day off.
Hmm, for some reason I thought I heard it was going to be declared a public holiday... this would suck.

As for Stu... let's just say it's not surprising to have the only person moaning about a potential extra day off be someone who doesn't have a full time job, haha.
Who cares about the reasons? What matters is the result:

There's a royal wedding? Meh. We might get a day off? Result.

Tuition fees are going up? Meh. Tory HQ got smashed up? Result.
working for the ShitHS *cough* sorry, i meant backstabbing two faced NHS. I'll probably be expected to work still.

Thinking of a new job though, can't work like this anymore, i'll end up accidentally killing someone because they won't leave me the hell alone.

Anyway, its been snowing, i'm not too bothered the moment i'm in northampton an avalache from scotland can come down as far as i care, just so long as i'm not stuck here without my gf. i'd actually go to millets and buy hicking boots and a couple of huskies to get up there.
Tachi- said:
working for the ShitHS *cough* sorry, i meant backstabbing two faced NHS. I'll probably be expected to work still.

Thinking of a new job though, can't work like this anymore, i'll end up accidentally killing someone because they won't leave me the hell alone.

Anyway, its been snowing, i'm not too bothered the moment i'm in northampton an avalache from scotland can come down as far as i care, just so long as i'm not stuck here without my gf. i'd actually go to millets and buy hicking boots and a couple of huskies to get up there.

Don't need to go that far, just buy some tennis rackets and stick them to your feet! I'm sure the movies weren't lying about that working...

All else fails, go to downing street and use the hot air there to melt your way through.
Tachi- said:
Thinking of a new job though, can't work like this anymore, i'll end up accidentally killing someone because they won't leave me the hell alone.
All jobs are like that though, unless you're one of the lucky few who get to work exclusively with machines. Co-workers are all right, it's customers who are the bloody problem.
I dunno, maybe risking my life in the angry mob of students will get me angry and i'll lose the will to head northwards and start chanting with the students over costs.

Ayase: In work there's 4 types of people.... the annoying ones you'd wish would just shut up, leave or retire/die,

The ones who should be there as their too thick.

The ones that are nice,

The ones that are quiet and keep to themselves.

being a very social person... i still prefer those who shut up and leave me be in work, forced laughs and people being overly nice for no reason tends to have a adverse affect to me.