I have tried to watch every one of Shinkai's works but can never get past 15 or so minutes cause i always feel incredibly bored. I love the way they look but that doesn't count for much if i can't connect to whats going on so yeah.
He's a well respected musician in and outside japan. I've heard some of his music and its not bad. He did some music in Scott Pilgrim and this is my favorite song by him.
I've been waiting for a full 3D pokemon since i finished sapphire moreso because i got bored with the same thing with only minor improvements over and over again. Looks like i'll have to get my hands on a 3DS sometime soon.
These are the only 4that interest me.
Shingeki no Kyoujin - Can't go wrong with shonen spider-swordsmen fighting giants. Hiroyuki Sawano also doing the music is a major pluc for me.
Galgantia - Looking forward to more Philosophical Bullsh*t from Urobuchi.
Kakumeiki Valvrave - Looks mildly...
Of the 8 games i bought in the steam sale, I'm enjoying Borderlands 2 the most. It's a bit harder than i thought it would be on Normal but its fun as hell and THE BRIGHT YELLOW GUNS FIRE GRANADES GUYS!!
Well i completely failed at the discipline of self-restraint. Bloody steam having too many good deals. My purchases so far include The Witcher 1 and 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Borderlands.
I also started playing DC Universe Online which is nothing like i thought it would be but in a good...
I might give it a go then. :wink:
I was wondering if you guys could also tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how good Borderlands Single player is because its on sale on steam as well and i'm having a hard time deciding whether to go for it :?
Just bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution and The Witcher on steam. I really didn't want to but they were so cheap. I never did finish Deus Ex on my Xbox but i much prefer the pc controls anyway and I didn't want to play The Witcher 2 without having played the first one. Altogether my fancy new...
Wasn't expecting a Black Rock Shooter release but that is a must buy for me. Anything that endorses living life and not closing yourelf off to the world is good by me. I think y'all should probably buy it cause it is one of the more interesting series i've seen this year especially how it goes...
Yo Guys! Just thought I'd plug my new blog here for those that are interesting in animation analysis. I started the blog a couple of weeks ago and so far it seems to be getting some decent views and I'm happy with it but since i love you guys so much, i just thought I'd inform you in case you...
Can't wait to see what projects come from this endeavour. Wonder if i'll be seeing any of the animators i follow on twitter try their hands at directing :D
I would buy Madoka Magica right now but i need to buy myself stupid food and university supplies :(
I do. I only have one Bluray player and thats at my parents house and they use it more than i do anyway. So i buy the DVDs even thougn they don't look as good. :wink:
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