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  1. I

    Beez celebrates with fans at London Expo!

    The trilogy of compilation movies for the original series are a bit dated, as you might expect, but reasonably entertaining if you like giant robots. They obviously have quite a lot of historical interest, and I think they're better than the television series (compiled into a movie trilogy, the...
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    Best Anime Intro Ever?

    'SHOW ME THE WAY TO YOU (Heavy Metal) LEAD ME NOW WHERE YOU ARE (Heavy Metal)' There's never been a full set of proper subs for L-Gaim, has there? I'm surprised by how many really enjoyable intros I can think of unprompted - GitS:SAC has had some great ones and I'm partial to a bit of...
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    what would you do if...

    Read moar bookz.
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    You know...

    Now if Sade had written hentai maybe I'd bother to watch some. I think the in-word is 'pornfolio'. If my memory serves me correctly (IMMSMC?) there's a moment in the first episode of Kimikiss when the male lead walks in on the female lead in the shower, and just does an about-take and walks...
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    Your most favourite anime fight

    There are many, many great fight scenes. I've never picked a conclusive favourite, but several spring to mind as very good. Firstly, the final confrontation between Spike and Vincent from the Cowboy Bebop movie. Granted the close of the TV series has more emotional weight, but the movie's...
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    Sex in anime rather than hentai (possible 18+ discussion)

    Since Martin has, I'll join in the pimpage: I also bloggedthe subject, last Valentine's Day. The only instances where a sexual encounter (between two people, as opposed to masturbation) was used to move the story on in some way, that I can think of off-hand, are (like Martin said) Kare Kano...
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    Makoto Shinkai living in London, reveals UK influences

    Well, the man has taste in his science fiction and his choice of location, at least.
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    The SOS Brigade needs you!

    What does it matter what was 'meant' by the creators? Fun is what matters, not correctitude. People need to consider whether they'll get more fun out of broadcast or chronological order, and purchase accordingly (or, if you want broadcast and are low on funds, be patient and buy all the cheap...
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    Japan banning isps of file sharers!? No more RAWs!?

    Leaving aside the ethics of fansubbing, if this is - as the article says it is - similar to the proposals in France and the UK then it might not work. Or at least that's what someone on Radio 4 said, so it must be true . . .
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    If enough people use 'otaku' in a positive sense, it loses its negative implications - but this only seems to be the case outside Japan. I'm no expert on the situation in Japan, but perhaps it's too negative a word in Japan to ever be reclaimed or appropriated. Personally I only ever use it...
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    Where do you buy anime?

    Internet most of the time, barring impulse buys - not that there are many of those, given that I live on loans. That said, it was physically renting anime from a DVD rental store which got me into it in the first place.
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    Gundam SEED

    As Ryo Chan says, SEED is a separate universe from Wing so you don't need to watch anything else before giving it a try. I certainly enjoyed SEED, it's not the best Gundam series I've seen but it's much more accessible than some of the older stuff (I started on Gundam with SEED, you see)...
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    Best ADV films Anime release

    NGE is ADV's trump card, but I personally have a soft spot for Martian Successor Nadesico too. It was one of the first shows I watched and it proved to me that even if I didn't get all the in-jokes, self-referential comedy anime could be very funny.
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    Vampire Hunter D

    I felt Bloodlust rocked in many ways, with nice animation and design work and a pretty decent pursuit plot (though as it's an action plot, so don't expect Tolstoy). It's hard to descibe, but I felt that the original Vampire Hunter D movie had a certain heart to it that Bloodlust lacked...
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    The SOS Brigade needs you!

    Beez . . . thankyou.
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    Introducing Dimensional Manga

    Ah, Multi-Morphic Storytelling. I just love to sprinkle it over my morning bowl of muesli. Meaningless and obfuscatory language aside, this is probably good news.
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    British culture in anime -> ask for your help ^^

    November 11 and his co-workers in Darker than BLACK are British spies (playing on the James Bond idea, I think). Howl's Moving Castle is an adaption of a book by a Welsh author.
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    New anime shows starting this weekend

    s-CRY-ed was directed by the same guy as Planetes, though they're totally different breeds. Apparently, s-CRY-ed is extremely over-the-top, and it knows it, but I can't personally recommend it because I haven't seen it either.
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    Strike Noir Gundam

    Nice. I thought the Strike Noir was a good piece of mechanical design, it really managed to look threatening. Or, since nearlly all military mecha look threatening, I should probably say 'more threatening'. Though I thought the pistols looked a bit weedy. Also good to see VHS cassettes...
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    What is your opinion on fanservice?

    Fanservice is not my cup of tea, though I try to resist the temptation to moralise about it.