Gankutsuou episode 1
Your Lie in April episode 1
And thus begin another round of "Catching Up with the Classics!"
Gankutsuou literally blew my mind with the first episode, and I only heard great things about it being an underrated masterpiece, so there's definitely a lot of hype there. I'm also really liking the artstyle here. Always nice when anime chooses to change up the artstyle.
And as for Your Lie... well, get ready for a lot of "KIMI NO WA HIKARU NARA!" for 22 episodes. Heard Goose House's opening more times than I could remember other anime openings over the past 10 years. As for the plot... yeah, it's already getting touchy-feely and depressing already, so we're off to a good start, especially since I already know what's coming (got myself spoiled looking for "Your Lie" memes).