st_owly (witch)
Glasslip 9
vashdaman said:Ghost in the Shell Arise ep 2: Alright, I'm now pretty sure it's not just me, this is an absolute load of overly convoluted poo. So much frigging incomprehensible techno jargon which I'm not sure makes sense to real life techno nerds and hackers, but I personally do not find it entertaining to set through reams of totally indecipherable dialogue that is essentially gibberish to me.
vashdaman said:Bring back Oshii, he was the only one to ever really get it right.
Professor Irony said:
vashdaman said:Seriously though, I do think Kamiyama's GitS is pretty dry too, it was just a bit more "cute" I guess in places, which meant that it sort of lacked the haunted and truly ghostly feel of oshii's movies, but still didn't really have all that much of a more engaging personality.
Rui said:I find SAC unwatchable