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Code geass 20 & 21
damn i want a decent pic of Gurren mk2.

Gundam00 1 it does look promosing as ryo-chan said, i'm gonna stcik with this series.
Omg theres a Haru in Gundam 00 just like lacus's in SEED.
Lelouch said:
Omg theres a Haru in Gundam 00 just like lacus's in SEED.

You do realise there was a haro in most of the early gundam releases as well don't you (Particualy the UC series baring F91) :p

anyhow, Gundam 00 ep1 down, and so far so good
Gundam 00 1- Pilot's from Wing, Mecha a mix from from Turn A and X, philosophy from SEED, and seem to have borrowed plot from FMP. Hasn't ingratiated or pissed me off enough yet to make any real comments yet but think i can see a little of what's to come. Will continue
Blue Drop 1 - Definitely wins the WTF? award for this seasons openers. While what happens is fairly straight forward for the most part, when, why and how are a little more vague. Definitely got me curious and wanting to know WTF is going on.
Kaiji 1- Hmm lead who's neither good nor evil, loan sharks and a card game that's definitely NOT going to be the next pokeyourmom or yugi go away.
Your Under Arrest Full Throttle - Guess i should have watched the original first, but fun enough with out the prior knowledge. May try digging out the OVA I have in the stack from DVD's to watch. Watcher but don't think it'll be a keeper.
Planetes 5-14

(Going to have to start playing a bit of catch up. Been so busy that this is all the anime I've watched in the past 6 days!! Man, I hate it when that happens.)
Tenchi Universe eps 5 to 26 - It's been sooo long since I last saw this, i'd forgotten what happened in most of it. lol
Tenchi in Tokyo eps 1 and 2 - As above it's been ages since I saw it, and I forgot just how cheap and nasty it looks when compaired to the OVAs and Universe series.[/b]