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ayase said:
So Lulu keeps going on about creating a world where Nunnery can be happy, failing miserably to acknowledge the fact that despite what she's had to suffer compared to him**, Nunnery actually seems perfectly friggin' happy. He's obviously lying to himself about his own motives - I think I'd have a lot more sympathy for the self-righteous prat if he was just yelling "REVENGE!". With his refusal to accept that anything bad could possibly be the fault of him or his crusade and an increasingly unhinged attitude when things don't go according to plan he definitely has "something of the Light" about him now. Particularly his indignation at Suzaku's role - How dare he choose to do something other than fulfil the role you have assigned him in your imaginary head-world Lulu? How dare he?

This is one of the best parts about the show for me, just looking at a smart person going blinded by his huge ego. It's a nice brain-***k.
I'd like to see your reactions in real time while watching episodes 21-25 and R2.

ayase said:
Speaking of Lulu and Suzi, the mech battles have mostly been very good so far. Nicely choreographed and directed and I imagine they can only get more impressive now they can fly. But on the downside, this has basically just made them Gundams, so bang goes what little originality they had.

Gundams and Gurren Laganns are for beginners.
I'd like to see your reactions in real time while watching episodes 21-25 and R2.

ayase said:
I can understand why some people think R2-C2

Ok, I understood you are a bit of a blaphemer, but now you are going way too far.
C.C. forgive him please.

ayase said:
is cool, but she can't really be anything other than cool because at this point she still doesn't have any depth to her character beyond mysterious consumer of pizzas (I sort of wish that instead of the immersion breaking cutaways and silences, her name was kept secret in the same manner as Mrs Doyle from Father Ted with loud noises masking every instance of it being said). I feel as though they could have gotten more out of Mao than they did. I was quite happy to learn he wasn't dead and looking forward to learning more about his and C2's past and relationship and as a result, was somewhat disappointed when they killed him again, for good, in the very same episode.

C.C. is there to donate her witty gritty sarcasm, you just need to bow down and adore and thank her.

ayase said:
Taken along with the Suzaku ex machina that was a pretty dire episode all round, but it did reveal Suzi's dark secret... Which... I can't see really changes anything except making him seem a little less of a goody-two-shoes (if collaborators with hostile occupying forces can be described in that way - I don't imagine the French Milice were thought of as goody-goodies).

I expected you would have called him Spinzaku, honestly.
I'd like to see your reactions in real time while watching episodes 21-25 and R2.

ayase said:
What else happened? Euphoria... what's Euphoria doing other than being the only person who knows everything but doesn't have the balls to take sides or attempt to stop the fighting, prefering to keep schtum and let her brother and her lover continue on their path to destruction at each others hands? Not much. She's the Lalah Sune who has to die to make them realise that war is futile and what dicks they both are, I'm calling it now. Except unlike Lalah, she's also a dick.
I don't think they'd off moe little Nunnery for that purpose, but I'm willing to be proved wrong.

I'd like to see your reactions in real time while watching episodes 21-25 and R2.

ayase said:
Karen is pretty much the only character I actually like at this point (not that I dislike all the others, I just don't particularly care about them because I haven't seen anything to make me care about them... yet). She seems to have a real revolutionary spirit, frank and simple reasons for doing what she does, be able to understand and accept the nature of her actions and be capable of self-sacrifice in the name of her cause. She's the only one Che Guevara would have along, I'm sure. I've read his diaries and everything. Plus boobies. With coloured-in nipples and everything.

Karen is a great character. Do you like MILFs too?

ayase said:
*With the notable exception of when I'm talking in Random about how I intend to nonchalantly sip wine on a rooftop as the world dies screaming.

I'd like to see your reactions in real time while watching episodes 21-25 and R2.

ayase said:
**I previously presumed, after seeing her with her eyes open AFTER the attack on her mother that Nunnery kept them closed because she "didn't want to open them again after the terrible things she'd seen" (or something equally pathetic to get people to "dawww" over her). But that was possibly a little harsh of me since it does now look like she lost her sight during the invasion of Japan. Not that being serially unlucky like that isn't another form of moe, but being actually disabled is obviously a lot more legitimate than being disabled by choice.

I'd like to see your reactions in real time while watching episodes 21-25 and R2.

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Rumbling hearts V.3 (end) :(

Journey to Agartha.
It felt like i was watching a Miyazaki and Shinkai production :) thats why I liked it as much as I did,

Agartha is my first Bluray anime. Looks awesome!
Ano Natsu de Matteru 09-12. I like it, I also like how they mixed Onegai Teacher into it. Also nice to see a series that builds up from start to finish and then ends well.
Maoyu 1-2
I'm basically, there's those group of slaves who are allowed to live with their families, in their homes and have possessions but they cannot choose what they do for work etc. So two run away and get found by the Hero, the Demon King and her maid....and are happy that they become forced to become maids in exchange for not being reported...but isn't that the same as what they were doing before, just a different line of work?

I'm also putting money on the Hero's decision not to kill the Demon King being decided because she has big boobs.

Also, this series wins the award for most annoying OP and ED of the season...
This is a test because I'm previewing a post in this thread and spoiler tags and certain bits of BBCode don't seem to be working.

bold test
italics test
spoiler test
italics test
italic spoiler test

Blah* blah* blah*.
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Finished A Certain Magical Index, the English dub (watched by other means) and it wasn't too bad but I found it really annoying that Kuroko kept calling Misaka "sissy", now I'm all for Americans dubbing Anime but I feel they should remember that they are translating into English not American. I actually had to look up why she was calling her "sissy" and I would also like to clear up I mean English and not British either. I'm sure that we have phrases that wouldn't make sense to the rest of the world.
Ergo Proxy. I'm at the second to last episode and there were pictures on the screen and sound coming from the speakers but I havn't a clue as to what has actually happend. I think I'll purge my mind with Rosario+Vampire and then try again later.
I'm going to post this in two parts because while I can't work out what on earth is causing it, if I post this first part WITH the second part, the spoiler tags don't work.

teonzo said:
I'd like to see your reactions in real time while watching episodes 21-25 and R2.
Well I'm sorry Teo, my PC can't play BDs so I was unable to record my reactions on webcam. Besides, I think uploading a series of 20-odd minute recordings of my face going through the expressions it went through watching episodes 21-23 of Codex of Geese would probably get me committed to a mental institution.
"Stay out of the way! I have a school festival and a coup d'etat to organise, I'll bring you a piece of the world's largest pizza when it's ready!"

That's more like it. Drama, hatred, destruction on an unprecedented scale, maniacal laughter, cliffhangers... pizza making mechs. This time on Code Geass, we find out where that hideous face meme came from and witness the disastrous results of mishearing an instruction to "Kill all the gophers"* I was half right - Euphy had to die in order to affect Lulu and Suzi, but the effect it had appears to have had has been to send them both batshit insane. Along with Nina, apparently. This could be interesting. My only question now is why couldn't this have happened ten episodes ago? The basic premise (Suzi and Lulu, childhood friends from the ruling classes with contrasting views of morality kick the sh*t out of each other in giant robots) was well established about six episodes in - Why have things taken so long to kick off? I'm actually moderately excited again now.

The Japanese SAR was a pretty good idea, I'll give Eupy that. At least she finally did something useful, even if Lulu did immediately ruin it. The "United States of Japan" eh? Where ever did you get that most original of names Lulu? All criticism aside, as of the end of ep. 23 he does appear to be entering full-on "F*ck it, just destroy everything" mode now, which is a political position I can more easily get behind. Time to open a bottle of wine.

teonzo said:
Do you like MILFs too?
Why do I get the feeling this is either a reference I'm not getting or a less than subtle foreshadowing? For the record, older women can be attractive but I'm quite particular. I mean let's face it, some people age really badly.

*Slightly racist? Nah, you all get the reference, right? I always felt as though that joke was a terrible missed opportunity - Caddyshack could have been improved tenfold if it was entirely a film about Bill Murray employing various ingenious methods in order to surreptitiously murder the patrons of a golf course. Sort of like a farcical comedy version of Leon.
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ayase said:
My only question now is why couldn't this have happened ten episodes ago?

It's from the good old days where you knew you could make a 50 episode series no problem, no reason to cram everything into the first 13 when you can build things up. A fair number of things that occur in season 1 do turn up again in season 2, one way or another. You'll enjoy S2 I think, the stakes get upped and things get even more OTT.
Feeling a little nostalgic so DNAngel volume 1 rewatch.

Closely followed by D.Gray-Man introducing Krory episodes.

Fave quote "We mere mortals are no match for monsters so we'll send those monsters to deal with the monsters."