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Airantou 7

Murder Princess 1, I was extremely surprised, i enjoyed this much more then i would have expected. The idea of switching bodys is done so many times, but at least there is good animation and blood, i am good to go.
Finished watching the excellent Azumanga Daioh this morning, I must say for a comedy it has its share of semi-emotional moments. ( Especially where Sakaki's concerned. :? )
Kanon 2006 21 - Very sad, very sad indeed. Wrapping up quite a few things in this episode and everything seems to be slotting into place. With only a few episodes left to go it was quite a big bombshell dropped in this episode. They just kept building up and up. The snow bunny thing all made sense now and Nayuki is being brought into it, about time too. The crash at the end made my eyeballs fall out thier sockets, talk about downers. Didn't see it coming, i thought they were going to do something else, but yeah when the cars came together i didn't expect to actually see it. As much as i don't want it to end it looks like we are on the home stretch for Kanon. I am expecting big things from the next 3 epsiodes and i'm hoping i'm not dissapointed. Soundtrack in the episode was sublime, the piano solos are worth a listen on there own but when they are coupled with the animation it's something that can't be beat.

Black Lagoon 23 - Only one more episode to go. Alot more dialogue than action again, this time going back to Rock and Revy. Quite a good episode with Balakaika showing her real side. If i was being honest i thought it was going to end in this episode, clearly not. I can see it being one big show down but i'm not sure if it's something that's going to fit. I think it's the first time i've seen Benny and Dutch in some time, really they have hardly been in this series. I've got big hopes for the final episode, i wish there was more as theres a ton they could do. I wonder if they will make a third series or a movie.
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Rizelmine ep 1 - 15
Bleach ep 122
Ai yori aoshi ep 1- 10

Ive got my old lap top out so I can watch these all outside while laying down on my hammock :D
Claymore 8 - HO'****. This is like... some type of Shounen Berserk but full of hints of Yuri, latest episode had me in awe the entire time, it's redeemed itself plus, much, much more. I'm really enjoying this series now.

EDIT: Watched first 2 episodes of Jyu-On-Sei. Inintal thoughts were it's an interesting concept, similiar to BR, but at times the characters act a little unrealistic, especially Thor on what went down with Rai.
Kanon 2006 22 - They are really going at it now aren't they, 2 episodes left and alot covered in tonights episode. Mainly Akiko and her accident and Yuichi also remembers what he done with the snow bunny and that's only in the first half! then comes MAKOTO MAKOTO MAKOTO MAKOTO, she finally made an appearance again i was very happy to see her. Now i'm not a softie but the whole Ayu history and her falling out the tree was very sad, after her character being built up over the whole series they really know how to attach you to a character and then drop some bomb shells. The suspense for the next two episodes is abosulutley killing me, going to have to finish this tomorrow. I don't want it to end really, but i want to know what happens. Catch 22

Black Lagoon 24 - Well it's over :( final episode of the fantastic Black Lagoon and i'm sitting here with the biggest grin on my face, what a fantastic ending. Everything was done with a sense of purpose and some curveballs too, just the right amount of action and story it was just executed brilliantly. Revy is by far the best villian/hero/badass in some time and the final battle was great, Rock wising up to just how much of a villian he has turned into is great development. I hope, i really do hope, that they bring out a third or fourth season. Really the first and second series were more like one big series compared to anything. I could watch that episode all over again, infact i'm going to go do that now! Full write up coming soon.
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Well. . .Recently Watched

Darker Than Black 3, This show doesn't really grab my attention; i tend to get distracted whilst watching episodes, I will continue i think though
Naruto Shippuden 15, I love seeing the first part of Naruto animated higher quality.
Death Note 32, Only a few more episodes to go; and still haven't got around to reading Volume 12, Lighto-kun's cheating HAHA.
One Piece ??, I do actually love this show, i but when i do i watch episodes in massive marathons.
Re-Watched Some Black Lagoon, Re-Watched the Vampire children part thing; probably favourite story the whole series'
Murder Princess 2, This is shaping up to be something really good. Only 4 more episodes; spaced apart enough though, watching till Winter i think.
Kanon 2006 23+24 - Well after all that i'm finally done with Kanon, and surprisingly after all thats happened, i'm on a high. The ending delivered and then some. But the music and the way they have implimented it into this show really has been one of the best parts for me. Kanon is bang into my top ten, really loved this show. Full write up coming soon in my other thread.

Also i seen something about Clannad? i'm going to have to look into that, especially since in the trailor a girl gets a straw shoved up her nose :lol:
FullMetal Alchemist 1 - 10, My god how i love this show. I kept putting it off but why oh why. It has absolutely everything; I admit its not the best of the best, but it is definitely in my favorites, hopes it keeps this level of storytelling for the next 41 episodes.

I am so getting all 13 volumes. . .eventually.
Watched Cardcaptor the mobie today

first chance i've had to see the dub and my god it was terrible ^^ Sakura, Kiro and Tomoyo's voices just do no suit them