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Date A Live V episode 12 Reside. (Complete. For the last few seasons DAL has been an entertaining watch and this was no different - bring on VI.) 3.5/5

Mysterious Disappearances
episode 12 Absence. (Complete. This had some solid episodes but wasn’t as good as recent supernatural mystery anime like Dark Gathering.) 3/5

The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio
episode 12 Assignment. (Complete. This had some good episodes but wasn’t one of the stronger anime I’ve seen focusing on VA and production.) 3/5

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 7-12 & Special (Complete. A breezy series with a great cast and visual direction.) 4/5

[Zoku] Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 1-7
Started re-watching My Sempai Is Annoying from the start last night, as I haven't watch it all the way through, and at the end of episode 1, when I saw the image of Futaba in a bunny girl outfit, I've been unable to get it out of my head. 😍😍😍😍😍
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[Zoku] Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei episodes 8-13 & OVAs (Complete. A consistent continuation that maintained the elements I enjoyed from the first season.) 4/5

[Zan] Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 1-7
Yuru Camp complete season 1: lovely series about a small group of high school girls who love camping (in the winter) at various sites around Mt Fuji. Really gives one the bug to go travelling to little out of the way places and enjoy nature. Those girls really love their meat. I fear if a cow happened to wander into their campsite, it would be straight in the pot. Oh, and the opening theme is VERY reminiscent of a Jackson 5 song. Looking forward to seeing what they get up to in season 2, which was in the same box.

I would also like a decent US/UK release, so the signs are also translated (one of the big fails for DVDs from Malaysia). The live action series would also be appreciated. Is that too much to ask?
Yowamushi Pedal Season 1 Series

Damn, what a fun ride 🥁 This is giving Ippo a run for my favourite sports anime and maybe anime series in general. My only negative is that the season ends on a cliffhanger for the second day of a three-day race... so I'm left waiting for the second series to arrive on DVD.

That aside, it's got great action, interesting explanations (it's sports, so you know they have to explain everything), interesting backstories for the rivals as well as the main cast and it's got great humour too. The little extras at the end of the credits are hilarious too with some nice comedic storylines just in those. Love Hime!
That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Season 3 episode 61 Quality improvements.

The Misfit of Demon King Academy II Part 2 episode 49 Starkers.

The Irregular at Magic High School Season 3 episode 52 Challenged. (Complete. Another enjoyable season with a film on the way in the future!) 3.5/5

[Zan] Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 8-13 & OVAs (Complete. See my thoughts on Zoku, this has been a great anime to watch overall.) 4/5

School Rumble
episodes 1-18
Konosuba 3: Army of Darkness ep11 [end]

Despite my early misgivings, this season definitely pulled its socks up towards the end, I really enjoyed that last arc.

Bubblegum Crisis 2040 ep7

It’s been pretty obvious for a while that Konaka would rather be writing something like the old AD Police OVA (hello Parasite Dolls), and that is what he did for this episode, but it just ends up feeling like a disjointed rehash of the plotline from The Man Who Bites His Tongue. That OVA was full of desperation and barely concealed hysteria, however; push it into 2040’s somnambulatory atmosphere and it just doesn‘t work. Ironically for a show about futuristic robots, 2040 also feels like it’s being written by one - you’d be forgiven for thinking they’d never seen humans interacting with each other. I‘ve been giving this show the benefit of the doubt, but enough I have had. It’s not terrible, it’s just not good either.

I saw New Cutie Honey years ago and I really didn't like it, maybe I need to revisit it and see if my opinion changes.

Was a bit surprised to hear you say that. At worst, I think I’d accuse it of being unambitious and lacking the kitsch charm of the original, but otherwise I thought it was a perfectly fine action series. At least from what I saw of it, never actually finished the show…
Konosuba 3: Army of Darkness ep11 [end]

Despite my early misgivings, this season definitely pulled its socks up towards the end, I really enjoyed that last arc.

Bubblegum Crisis 2040 ep7

It’s been pretty obvious for a while that Konaka would rather be writing something like the old AD Police OVA (hello Parasite Dolls), and that is what he did for this episode, but it just ends up feeling like a disjointed rehash of the plotline from The Man Who Bites His Tongue. That OVA was full of desperation and barely concealed hysteria, however; push it into 2040’s somnambulatory atmosphere and it just doesn‘t work. Ironically for a show about futuristic robots, 2040 also feels like it’s being written by one - you’d be forgiven for thinking they’d never seen humans interacting with each other. I‘ve been giving this show the benefit of the doubt, but enough I have had. It’s not terrible, it’s just not good either.

Was a bit surprised to hear you say that. At worst, I think I’d accuse it of being unambitious and lacking the kitsch charm of the original, but otherwise I thought it was a perfectly fine action series. At least from what I saw of it, never actually finished the show…

Does any of the dubbed Cutie Honey Blu-rays work on Region B players?
Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture [English Audio] - Episode 2
Treading familiar territory but still, that ending was something alright. . Also, no wonder why Catherine has become a bit of a instant fan favourite.
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Giant Robo OVAs

I smashed this out last night and this morning. I have to say the first 4 episodes left me feeling quite confused and I kept feeling like I’ve missed something or I should know who some of the characters were. I know the cast is actually an ensemble of people from different works but it did leave me a little confused, I wish a few had a little bit more backstory (but then this would have been an even longer OVA series).

Once I got into the second disc and watched the last 3 episodes it came together a lot more. I’m fine knowing that something had to be mysterious but it felt more like I should have had a previous knowledge of something rather than it had not been revealed yet. However it all did conclude in a satisfying way and the last two episodes especially were really great.

The action in the series was cool, it was nice that actions and consequences actually meant something to rather than being brushed off later. I thought there would be more robot rights than there actually were, especially considering the intro features a whole bunch of Big Fire robots but that was not to be. However the ones we did see, were cool as hell. BR1 vs BR2 was pretty cool. BR1 looks and sounds awesome to boot.

All in all, a great OVA series. I think I’ll get more out of a second viewing now I know the plot and can concentrate on the minor details I missed.

Bubblegum Crisis 2040 ep7

It’s been pretty obvious for a while that Konaka would rather be writing something like the old AD Police OVA (hello Parasite Dolls), and that is what he did for this episode, but it just ends up feeling like a disjointed rehash of the plotline from The Man Who Bites His Tongue. That OVA was full of desperation and barely concealed hysteria, however; push it into 2040’s somnambulatory atmosphere and it just doesn‘t work. Ironically for a show about futuristic robots, 2040 also feels like it’s being written by one - you’d be forgiven for thinking they’d never seen humans interacting with each other. I‘ve been giving this show the benefit of the doubt, but enough I have had. It’s not terrible, it’s just not good either.
BC2040 was the first full anime I bought on DVD many many years ago, so it holds a special place in my memory. Then again, I haven't watched it for over a decade ... so maybe it's not that special.

Re-watched Invaders of the Rokujouma, as I'd watched the first episode on hols. Still enjoy it and, reading about all the stuff that wasn't covered in the anime and given the unlikelihood of a second series, I've decided I really should give the manga a read.
Yeah, I get the impression that BGC 2040 was an early anime experience for a lot of people and I wouldn’t want to take away anyone’s memories of it, but coming to it for the first time now, I just don’t feel it does enough to stand out from the other similar shows of its time.
Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01 OVA
Randomly recommended this on YouTube after watching some Giant Robo docs to understand the series more. I didn’t mean to watch and wanted to save it for later but then after 40min it was done… oops.

Fun mech action with all the cheese. The doctor/programmer female character has the largest forehead in anime history 🤣 the antagonist is called Kilgore 🙄 love it!

Itches a similar itch to things like Oedo 808 in terms of cheese but without all the swears. Also look out for the random English text below for lols.

I’ll def pick this up on Bluray from AnimEigo once Riding Bean and Otaku no Video are out so I can lump them all together in a shipment.

GinRei OVAs

Rounding off my weekend of Giant Robo. This was a really fun collection of shorts. The first and second episodes like in the parody camp with Big Fire being called Blue Flower while the third was more serious (although I’m not sure if that one was canon or not).

I’ll start with the more serious one, it was a fun adventure and kind of gives an idea of what a longer bad guy of the week series would have been like. It wrapped up nicely and while doesn’t effect the main arc of Giant Robo, it was cool to see more of the GinRei and Tetsugyu dynamic that’s shown in the first GR episode.

The first and second episodes are a lot more fan service laden, in terms of GinRei being nude and all the in jokes. Well, some of the jokes are at the expense of the viewer too it seems. Both were excellent and had me laughing out loud, especially Giant Robo in the picture below.

It’s a shame these are packaged separately as I feel these really add to the more serious main series and by injecting that light hearted tone. I definitely feel these really rounded out the whole affair.
