Ya Boy Kongming ep5-6
The way it was resolved felt a bit too neat, but generally I like how they handled the thread about the rapper crippled by anxiety. There's some great animation work on Eiko's expressions as well.
New (Shin) Cutey Honey OVA1
Felt like a break from Enma, so decided to go back to Cutey Honey instead. I've seen the first couple of episodes for this run before, but I accidentally watched them in the wrong order at the time and never got back to it. Looking back at my original comment though, my thoughts are actually much the same - I like the vaguely post-apocalyptic setting with its weird, organic look for the city (the buildings all remind me of the Sagrada Famillia), but on first impression, it lacks a little of the mad energy from the original. The action direction is more competent than Universe, but it's not as inventive as Re:.
Given that the violence is at least as, if not more, graphic than the original, it also still bothers me that Honey doesn't dispatch the boss demon by skewering it through with her sword, as per the 73 series.