I started the new season's anime. Only one keeper to date. Unpopular opinions follow.
Ya Boy Kongming! ep 1: A genuinely fun time travel comedy that isn't an isekai or a samey high school show (hurrah). I appreciated that Kongming is presented as legitimately intelligent and therefore the necessary recycled setup jokes about being a fish out of water in the modern world are blasted through at warp speed. It's probably kind of an average show overall but I liked it so much better than the other first episodes so far; even the simplistic side characters have more depth than a lot of series' leads!
Mahjong Soul Pon ep 0: It's episode 0 so it might not be representative; I'll give the series an extra week to give me a better idea of what is going for with its gag-heavy parody themes. Unlike most of the other crummy isekai parodies, however, this episode was less than two minutes long, which seemed to be about right. The lack of boring internal monologues from grumpy teens made it watchable.
The Executioner and Her Way of Life ep1: I will admit that seeing the isekai guy brutally killed was pretty funny, though that particular element isn't enough to stand on its own when shows like Re:Zero have already scratched that itch. There is potential here but the interesting political background is firmly in the background and the main characters we've seen before haven't interested me very much. It's a shame that the first episode wasn't a two-partner because while it's obvious that the second summoned character is going to be very important in future, the first episode wasted too much time on setting up its big 'twist' (which wasn't ever destined to be much of a twist given the show's title) and I don't feel I have a very good idea of how the setup is going to work. I think it benefits a little from the lead being a properly integrated part of the world (i.e. mostly straight fantasy) rather than the usual shallowness of a traditional isekai show, but my dislike for the genre it's parodying coupled with being outside its target audience means that it's a swing and a miss. Kudos for being the only first episode where enough actually happened to warrant spoiler tags, though.
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai ep1: It's the same show we've seen quite a few times over the last decade, where a boring guy with no discernible hobbies or personality hyperfixates on a cute weirdo girl in his class and stoically puts up with her weird habits in an effort to form a bond. It could be interesting played straight to explore all sorts of complex social/interpersonal issues but it isn't, it's a heartwarming comedy, and the girl is treated more like a pet or a kid than the guy's peer. Not my cup of tea at all.
Fanfare of Adolescence ep 1: This series has no idea what it is trying to do and it's annoying because 'hot guys (plus a girl) and horses' is a great concept. The guys aren't especially interesting, the horses are ugly CG monstrosities and the horse knowledge on display is bizarrely inaccurate - it doesn't feel as though anybody did a sensible amount of research. Including the actual characters, who appear to have all signed up for several years of intensive training in Horse School despite never having ridden, touched or read about horses? I don't get it. I wish that they'd either gone full 'UtaPri'-style crazy with the premise and just made everyone nuts, which would have been great, or put more effort into crafting a suitably serious, realistic scenario where the human drama and horse stuff could have meshed properly as with some of the great sports shows of recent years. Instead, this is serious horse stuff that picks and chooses how much it cares about realism on a whim, which is just confusing. There are some good ideas and I don't hate it but it just doesn't come together as a finished package for me.
Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs ep1: I was initally confused because the otome game that the lead kept insulting legitimately made no sense as an otome game (even in jest - and I've played some pretty stupid otome games!), until near the end when I realised that it was actually parodying elements I've seen in bishoujo games, except the creator had just swapped the gender roles to turn it into another persecution fantasy. The joke in-world is that the game was a uniquely terrible example of its genre yet the title and dialogue constantly blame the entire genre with no real insight or finesse. Why don't they just parody bishoujo games in the first place, then? I play both genres and the show would work way better that way around, especially because it would be punching up and set the series apart from its peers. After all, a masterpiece otome game parody show already exists in the form of the criminally underrated DAMExPRI Anime Caravan. Setting aside my quiet irritation about people parodying things that they plainly haven't researched at all (the 'dead unicorn' trope in action), the show itself just wasn't that good. It's going for a meta, knowing angle that falls short without the genuine love of the genre that permeates the very best parodies. Had it dared to be just a tiny bit more tongue in cheek I could have stuck it out and laughed with the writer. Perhaps persecution fantasies about angry teenagers enslaved by their lazy sisters have a niche which sits too far outside of my sphere of interest.
Estab-life ep1: I tried but I hated the CG and characters too much to finish the episode.