Combat Butler
My Hero Academia S1 episodes 10-13 (Re-watch Complete)
My Hero Academia S2 episodes 1-8 (Re-watch)
The Ones Within episodes 9-10
My Hero Academia S2 episodes 1-8 (Re-watch)
The Ones Within episodes 9-10
Yes critically I would say Kizu is the best but that was cos it look like 6 years to complete. (In Development hell for most of it)Nisemonogatari 1-11 Still good but not as good, was glad to see Kiss-shot become happy again though. After Kizu I'm wondering if I have inadvertently seen the peak of the show because I never quite got off the hype train.
Definitely more serious than comical. It does have it's fun moments, but nothing ecchi.Scifi drama? Ooo, maybe I would actually like Astra Lost in Space then