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Chivalry of a Failed Knight ep 6-7. The best episodes of the series so far (imo), mainly because of the new character these episodes were based around. In other words, Ayase = Best Girl.

Muv-Luv: Alternative - Total Eclipse ep 21-24 (complete). It occurs to me that for a series about mecha fighting alien creatures, they spend more time fighting other mecha than they do the aliens. The international political machinations gave the storyline an extra dimension that raised it above my expectations going in, and the mecha battles are suitably exciting to watch so I'm pleasantly surprised by this series overall. There were lots of plot threads left dangling at the end, not surprising considering the source material. A bit too much fanservice for my tastes though.

Young Black Jack ep 6. The Vietnam War arc is complete, which was a fairly realistic depiction of the chaotic slaughter that has made that war so notorious. Looks like racial discrimination is the next theme to be explored. I do wish they'd stop pushing the whole 'doctors are awesome' message down the viewers throat, they should just let the story get that point across naturally.
Is The Order a Rabbit??-Episode 6

These last 2 episodes have really been something special. Not only are they the best two episodes of this season (So far anyway) but they are the best out of the entire lot. The introduction of Mocha and what she brought to the table really gave some depth to Cocoa's character in a way that I didn't think the show would do. Normally, this series is just cute girls doing cute things for 20 minutes but the focus on character in these last two episodes have offered so much more by delving into why Cocoa wants to be a big sister so much and why she feels so much pressure to be a good big sister and it really enhances the show as a whole. Knowing this information, it would also give more depth to the first series too. It's kind of sad Mocha left, although they kind of explored the situation as much as they could have, but I wish she stuck around a little longer. I like the series when its just moeblob fun time but if it was like this more often I certainly wouldn't be apposed. I'll probably wind up giving the series as a whole an 8/10 but these two episodes have been a 9.
Witchblade episodes 1-7

Had this series on my shelf for a few years, finally got round to starting it after always putting it by the TV in hopes of forcing myself to start it :p

It's ok so far, standard Gonzo show :lol:
Sakurako-san e.7 - What is this, some kind of larger plot?! A very intriguing episode indeed.

35 Shoutai e.7 - Probably far too heavy for this kind of show, but it would be super interesting if they followed through with the "threat" at the end of this episode. Even without that, Suginami's story has my attention.

IRON-BLOODED GUNDAM e.6 - Man, this show is emotionally charged. And the ED is perfect for blending into the conclusion of the episode proper, pure theater. I hope they weren't teasing a Fumitan heel turn, though.
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Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon ep 6. Why do I make myself suffer watching this dross.

Beautiful Bones -Sakurako's Investigation- ep 6. A nice enough episode, but it was much ado about nothing in the end.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans ep 7. Some great mecha action in this episode. But where did the Barabatos get that rifle from? It was always just using the javelin/spear thingy until now.
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One Punch Man-Episode 7
Owarimonogatari-Episode 7

Okay I have no idea how those pink flames were attributed to Hanekawa. Also, this show is getting seriously chronologically confusing. This takes place parallel to an arc in Second Season and is a follow up to an arc in second season that was broadcast after the one it's parallel to. It would be interesting watching Shinobu Time, Tsubasa Tiger and Shinobu Mail in chronological order.
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