Dragon Slayer
Zombieland Saga Revenge (English Dub) Episode 12 (Complete)
Komi Can't Communicate Episode 7
The Aquatope on White Sand Episode 20
Komi Can't Communicate Episode 7
The Aquatope on White Sand Episode 20
as far as I know Dirge of Cerberus was only a game released on the PS2 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII - WikipediaFinal Fantasy VII - Dirge Of Cerberus: Obviously a cheap Chinese rip-off copy filmed in a cinema, I think, as the English subtitles are barely visible at the bottom of the screen. Lasted two minutes. Not even worth inflicting on a charity shop.
Looking at it more closely, it appears to be the video segments of the game all stuck together into a 34 minute "movie". Still going in the bin .... unless someone out there is a desperate completist who wants a freebie.as far as I know Dirge of Cerberus was only a game released on the PS2 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII - Wikipedia
only films done for Final Fantasy 7 are Advent Children and Last Order Compilation of Final Fantasy VII - Wikipedia
Kanon episodes 13-24: I think they sacked the subtitlers halfway though this set as suddenly Nayuki was Michelle or Ming Xue, Yuichi was anything from Yum Cha to Lord, and Shiori somehow became Violin! Spelling, typos and just wrong translations, yet it still packed an emotional punch. Must buy a decent copy. And I'll just warn you it's definitely a box of tissues job for the series. PS Maybe if the girls wore appropriate winter clothing, they wouldn't get sick so often.