Your anime viewing journal

chaos said:
Titan said:
The world of Narue
I've seen this really cheap somewhere. Is it worth it?

It's one of those short series that won't change your life but make for a fun interlude in between longer shows. The plot is extremely generic; they do experiment a little with the formula though and it's refreshing that most of the characters dither about things less than usual and just follow their feelings most of the time. Some of the jokes were also rather good :)

If you see it cheap and are tempted I'd say go for it. Short, sweet and pleasant theme music.

Finished off Glass Fleet. I did not really enjoy it that much, not sure why it had something about it. It was okay at times but that kind of story has been done better.

Bleach Volume 15. This volume finished off the rescue arc as far as I could tell. Then straight into a filler episode.
Valkyria Chronicles Episode 5

When They Cry Episodes 12-24

Finally completed the second season, it has been quite an interesting ride! I think the first season was still better, but im starting to watch Rei as of now :)
lol clouded Higurashi is feckin win in my eyes, was able to grab a figure of the teacher too.

OT: havn't mentioned it here but Naruto-ep 1-106
Chrome Shelled Regios ep 1-17
Baccano Volume 3. Okay I now have a headache too many characters and Too many time jumps. Though still worth the time to watch.
Titan said:
Starship Operators complete collection.

Overall I thought it was a really enjoyable series.
Holy crap you got through that quickly. ^^;

I keep trying to tell people that this is worth watching, but none of the (very small number of) anime fans I know IRL will bother because they think it looks really generic.
Starship Operator does look mind numbingly generic, in fairness :p

I watched FMA: Brotherhood episode 6 last night. It was basically a rehashing of a scenario I've already experienced twice before (in the manga and the original series) but I enjoyed it nonetheless :]