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Prison School - Episode 08

This week's episode seemed suspiciously light on jokes, and unfortunately the show isn't dramatically engaging enough (or at least Shingo isn't) to get away with it. Hopefully the dramactic heavy lifting is done now and they'll add more jokes in, because without the jokes it is just 24 minutes of bad softcore porn...

Charlotte - Episode 08

It's nice that the show didn't completely forget the events of last week's episode, even if it didn't have any direct consequence. I like that the show seems to be progressing it's relationships in a slightly more natural way, but the plot this week was a bit weak.

But there's one thing that majorly confused me, are we actually supposed to think the music video is good?

Durarara!!x2 - Episode 20

As much as I do love a good horse chase, and most of the Izaya's kidnapping was brilliant, I feel like the big headline from this episode is a single piece of dialogue that was almost treated as an aside, and I don't know how to feel about it.

In case anybody missed it, Izaya's a rapist now, and it just seems massively of character, even for him.

IIRC from the fan translation of the light novel I read that section seemed to cause the translater some difficulty, and I think they said they had trouble getting the meaning across, so it's possible the line isn't as it was intended.

Also, in the light novel, the guy from Dragon Zombie that tortures Earthworm (Izuumi) threatens to rape her, but gets stopped (by Mikage) before it can happen. Seems weird that they were willing to cast one of the main characters as a rapist, but not one of the antagonists.
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Durarara x2 - Episode 20
Charlotte - Episode 8
GATE - Episodes 1 & 2

Buzz201 said:
But there's one thing that majorly confused me, are we actually supposed to think the music video is good?
Gotta find some way to sell your single that's being released in two weeks time. How better to do it than take up three minutes of screen time in episode?
Mangaranga said:
Buzz201 said:
But there's one thing that majorly confused me, are we actually supposed to think the music video is good?
Gotta find some way to sell your single that's being released in two weeks time. How better to do it than take up three minutes of screen time in episode?

The song made no sense, it wasn't very good, the accompanying video was awful (where'd the dog come from?), and the later part of the episode with the singer felt rushed, why couldn't they have given Yuu more time with her, and then just aired the full ending song?

Does this mean we can expect a random album with random spoken word interludes from a supporting character, in the same vein as the Rookiez is Punk'd/Masoami Kida collaborative album "Drrrookiez!! Rookiez is Punk'd Respect for DRRR!!"? Because I am SO on board for more of those. :D
qaiz said:
Space Cobra - Episodes 13 - 14 (out of 31) (1982)

If you watch the pilot for the aborted English dub of Cobra, it's interesting to note that they actually spliced together footage from the first episode and ep 13, beefing up 'Johnson's introduction by giving him a trip to the casino. At the risk of sounding sacrilegious, I think it kind of works, even if some of the other rewrites are a bit suspect.
Actually, I Am ep7.

GATE: Thus the JSDF Fought There ep8. Good to see a politician put in their place, though the way it did it was beating the 'JSDF are awesome' drum a little too much.

Nadia: Secret of Blue Water ep37-38.

Non Non Biyori: Repeat s2 ep7.

Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace ep8. Well, that plot thread from the previous episode was resolved quickly. Good to finally see some of Akechi's background.

The iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls s2 ep6.
Hunter x Hunter-Episodes 89 and 90

Episode 89: Just one more training episode...

Episode 90: Guess not. Now it's one more training episode. Hopefully. Also, that explanation about Aura maths was far too long.

Himouto Umaru-Chan-Episode 7
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Episodes 5-8.

The main storyline is quite interesting, it certainly is complex and there's plenty of mystery. I did like the way they handled having a satisfying chunk of story without making it feel awkward to move back into some "stand alone" episodes. The stand alone episodes themselves were also very good. So far I've found that I don't mind if it's a stand alone or story episode because they've all been enjoyable at a fairly similar level. I think it probably also helps that stand alone episodes seem to do at least as much to develop the characters as story episodes do (maybe even more) so it always feels like you're gaining something from each episode.
Space Dandy 14-17

I'm sure when this originally aired I heard many people sau season 2 was better than season 1, but I haven't seen anything up to the standard of the first season Yet. Episode 14 is probably the closest.
britguy said:
Space Dandy 14-17

I'm sure when this originally aired I heard many people sau season 2 was better than season 1, but I haven't seen anything up to the standard of the first season Yet. Episode 14 is probably the closest.

I'd deffinitely disagree with S2 being better. I thought S1 was infinitely better. The only thing that comes close to S1 IMO is the musical episode and the multiple dimension episode.
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Space Dandy 2 - Episodes 3 & 4 (DUB)
Blood Blockade Battlefront - Episodes 3 - 7 (DUB)
Arslan Senki - Episode 20
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku (SNAFU TOO!)- Episodes 2 - 6

Oregairu or SNAFU or whatever you want to call it is probably my favorite show I've seen this year. I really love watching it - and it's one of those rare shows which gets my undivided attention.
Baby Steps s2 ep21. Eiichiro made that look easy in the end (as always), but up next is his toughest opponent yet...

Nadia: Secret of Blue Water ep39 (complete).

SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist ep8. This show seems to be running out of ideas, and I'm starting to lose interest.

The Heroic Legand of Arslan ep20. I think we just found out who Arslan's romantic interest will be.
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Space Cobra - Episodes 15 - 19 (out of 31) (1982)
What the hell is this show, it's a ******* monster holy ****, what a masterpiece. I might as well spoil my score for this right now prematurely, 10 out of 10 because there's no way this show drops from these heights.

Episode 15 was great, Cobra reminiscences about the past, in particular a moment when he was saved by someone. Years have passed since and Cobra wants to meet up with his old friend, the one who saved him, Vega in order to pay him a visit. Of course his friend still thinks Cobra's been dead all this time so when he shows up out of the blue it takes a little convincing but once all that's out of the way things pick up. Vega's planet is in ruins and he wants the help of Cobra to retrieve the Dragon Crystal, an artifact that helps his planet thrive. Cobra decides to go to the high security museum in order to take it back. Vega only has days to live and so they head out. It's a great episode again with Cobra antics and a great ending.


To my surprise, the next four episodes are all connected, and man what a ride they were. Holy. ****. The rundown: Episode 16 starts off with Cobra bumping into his old acquaintance, Dominique who wants some help. There’s a sport called Rugball, and for all you people who don’t know what Rugball is, it’s a game of Baseball with the physicality of Rugby…well apart from the part that allows players to kill each other. The team on Planet Ralu, the Red Saxons are running a Narcotics ring and Dominique wants Cobra to figure out the Narcotics route. To do so, he has to enroll on the team. The problem, the Galactic Patrols jurisdiction doesn’t reach Planet Ralu so he’s on his own from here on out.
The next four episodes (from Episode 16 to Episode 19) deal with his enrollment and his time with Rugball. Being the newbie, the people there try to push him around and kill him but little do they know that they’re dealing with the seemingly immortal Cobra who wastes no time making a few enemies as well as a few friends. Starting at the bottom rank he makes his way up quickly, impressing the owner who wants to make Cobra his next star player. Of course Cobra is here for another job, but as he creates his own team and challenges the Number One Rugball team his investment in both is equal as he juggles the two tasks.
Honestly these episodes were incredible and without a single flaw. The humor was on point, the tension was razor sharp and the characterization is fantastic. You really root for the team and the bad guys are true assholes. You really care about the whole thing. It was just a blast. Space Cobra, this show is the real deal, not that I had any doubts.
Watched episode 1 or Devil Survivor 2.

I've hit an anime wall though. Cba finishing that, Is This A Zombie? S2 or Shuffle. Also cba starting Mushishi or My Bride Is A Mermaid. Stupid wall.

Live action tv for now then!
Hunter x Hunter-Episodes 91-94

Episode 91: Well that was genuinely surprising. I really thought both Gon and Killua would pull something out at the last minute and win their fights but no. It really played with my expectations. I'm genuinely curious as to how their story is going to continue now and how it will factor into the arc because they have pretty much been taken completely out of the main story.

Episode 92: Ah, so that's how they're going to get Gon and Killua back into it. I never really expected the ants to leave the NGL. I don't know why I didn't entertain the possibility to be honest...

Episode 93: Damn, Gon is a natural born pimp :lol:

Episode 94: Man, Killua should have taken out that mind control thing earlier. He went from getting his ass beat to decapitation in about 2 seconds.

Charlotte-Episode 8

Well that was a pretty nice episode, especially after last week's complete downer. That music video part was completely unneeded and distracted from the episode as a whole.
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