Elementary set theory for video gamers
Notes from the first lecture:
Unlike the set of natural numbers, the set of Xbox numbers (named after the infamous Anglo-French mathematician Xavier Box) is quite unusual. Whilst the first three natural numbers are often taken to be 1, 2 and 3, the first three Xbox numbers are 1, 360 and 1 again. Given that the set-theoretic construction of Xbox numbers is alike with respect to natural numbers, it is thus the case that 1>1.¹
¹In spite of this glaring issue, professor Box has amassed a great fortune from his research. Once other mathematicians purchase copies of his publications, they are unable to show them to anyone else without him receiving a fee.
Notes from the first lecture:
Unlike the set of natural numbers, the set of Xbox numbers (named after the infamous Anglo-French mathematician Xavier Box) is quite unusual. Whilst the first three natural numbers are often taken to be 1, 2 and 3, the first three Xbox numbers are 1, 360 and 1 again. Given that the set-theoretic construction of Xbox numbers is alike with respect to natural numbers, it is thus the case that 1>1.¹
¹In spite of this glaring issue, professor Box has amassed a great fortune from his research. Once other mathematicians purchase copies of his publications, they are unable to show them to anyone else without him receiving a fee.