Xbox One

Elementary set theory for video gamers

Notes from the first lecture:
Unlike the set of natural numbers, the set of Xbox numbers (named after the infamous Anglo-French mathematician Xavier Box) is quite unusual. Whilst the first three natural numbers are often taken to be 1, 2 and 3, the first three Xbox numbers are 1, 360 and 1 again. Given that the set-theoretic construction of Xbox numbers is alike with respect to natural numbers, it is thus the case that 1>1

¹In spite of this glaring issue, professor Box has amassed a great fortune from his research. Once other mathematicians purchase copies of his publications, they are unable to show them to anyone else without him receiving a fee.
Zin5ki said:
Elementary set theory for video gamers

Notes from the first lecture:
Unlike the set of natural numbers, the set of Xbox numbers (named after the infamous Anglo-French mathematician Xavier Box) is quite unusual. Whilst the first three natural numbers are often taken to be 1, 2 and 3, the first three Xbox numbers are 1, 360 and 1 again. Given that the set-theoretic construction of Xbox numbers is alike with respect to natural numbers, it is thus the case that 1>1
In spite of this glaring issue, professor Box has amassed a great fortune from his research. Once other mathematicians purchase copies of his publications, they are unable to show them to anyone else without him receiving a fee../quotee

Testing, testing.

Edit: aha, it was the small writing that stopped me from posting. Anyway, good job Zin :thumb:
- no retro gaming, retail or xbla/dlcs (anything you had for 360, will not work right away in xbox one, not sure if there will be a solution in the future)
- need to pay fee for second hand games or borrowed game from friends once the disc was installed once
- need to connect to internet at least once per 24h otherwise you cant even play offline
- kinect always required to be on
- tv system not available at launch outside US and most of european countries will not get anything from it overall

I can continue... as much i did enjoyed my 360, i'm not gonna get this one, ill be back to playstation next generation.

PS: Before you say anything like "oh no that aint like that" let me tell you that these things are 100% confirmed.
My view on the new Xbox is as follows;


As soon as they released the specs, i facepalmed. Once again microsoft are flogging a dead horse, you'd have thought with sony supporting DDR5 that they'd atleast make an effort to match it but noooooo.

They are trying to sell you a piece of equipment to plug into your sky/virgin box so you can watch tv! Am i the only one who questions the logic in that... if i suddenly wanted to watch tv i wouldn't pause my game and get the tv to stream through the console.... no i have a HDMI splitter that at the click of a small remote will change the HDMI port. Not an upgrade what so ever.

Charging for preowned games is ridiculous, chances are the amount of people buying a new xbox will be low and with abit of luck they'll back out of the console race all-together. Leave it to Nintendo who brought the gaming world back from the brink over 30 years ago - sure they are overpriced and rely heavily on flagship characters but they changed their catered market to survive. Sony have proven that they are the horse to back when it comes to consoles - they improve leagues at a time whereas microsoft just dont seem to understand what to do for the consumers, they just want a fast buck.

They made a mistake last time around by supporting HD not bluray and they've only just fixed that with this "next gen console" which is possibly the biggest hypocritical thing to call it... its running on old tech - there is nothing next generation about it.
To be fair, the one not maxing out on specs is an ok thing. You don't need to have the finest looking games to make them fantastic to play. What makes this crap is TV, TV, Skype, SPOOOOORRRRRTTTTTTTSSSS and TV. Oh and CoD Dogs.

While it runs on tech that is a year old, the idea behind "new generation" consoles isn't solely based on specs. Keep in mind the PC is never brought into the equation for it as well, that's a seperate ball game in many ways. And to be fair to the spec side of things, kinect 2.0 does look pretty damned amazing after seeing the stuff shown off the stage floor. But again, the issue here is, where are the games, and why not show off more of them now? They tried to sell television and communication to game journalists. They can redeem themselves at E3, it is entirely possible. Will they? that's a fantastic question, probably not, but we'll see. They did say this was to show off everything else so E3 was to focus on games, so maybe.

The other bit, which has appeared recently and is throwing me away from them even more, is that indies can't self-publish onto the failbox like they can for PS3 and WiiU, they need to go through a publisher to do so, and that hikes prices to ridiculous levels. Indie devs are abandoning it entirely, a market which is easily one of the fastest growing in recent years. To have that abandon you when the market for indies is so huge is actually terrifying for microsoft, and the fact they don't care either shows great confidence in what they are preparing to show off, or complete ignorance on the market. My vote goes for the latter, you won't be surprised to hear.
my reaction to this state of affairs:


paying an extra fee for pre-owned games! And not only that but to be online at least once every 24 hours to be able to play offline!!

Should have been named the Xbox Zero since it does nothing, though that would throw Zin5ki's theory out
That spider's story is quite exciting, it's escaping from a wasp (I think, could be a scorpion or some such) that wants to lay its eggs inside the spider as there's no other hospitable environment out in the desert for them.