I didn't realise it had gone in the first place! That's one of the quirks of Prime Video; delisted items retain their picture in the watchlist. They save the disappointment until you click into it. 😑
I was up to episode 9 when they took it off so it was doublely annoying lol
Definitely not available for me (not a huge issue as I've seen them, but I was hoping to get a friend into After The Rain!)

Sorry to hear that. It was unusual that they all popped up without notice on the lookahead and the lack of trailers and titles on the tiles is weird.

If your friend has Prime After the Rain is available there too, only sporadic episodes are available if subscribed to Prime Video instead of full Prime though.

They updated HiDive sometime last year and it has been better in some ways, but still rubbish in others. Some people here have no problems with it, but I think it varies greatly depending on what platform you're using as I have no end of issues with the Apple TV app or using the website on MacOS.
They updated HiDive sometime last year and it has been better in some ways, but still rubbish in others. Some people here have no problems with it, but I think it varies greatly depending on what platform you're using as I have no end of issues with the Apple TV app or using the website on MacOS.
Yeah, it no longer just randomly boots you out of an episode for "maintenance" whenever the server you're on goes over capacity and your items in the watch list no longer remove themselves when you view a single episode. The new version of the app is much improved but still terrible.
They updated HiDive sometime last year and it has been better in some ways, but still rubbish in others. Some people here have no problems with it, but I think it varies greatly depending on what platform you're using as I have no end of issues with the Apple TV app or using the website on MacOS.
Off anime topic but there's also an Apple TV channel on Prime Video that I've never had any problems with.

(No I don't work on commission unfortunately)