amazon prime

  1. NormanicGrav

    Summer 2024 Anime Season Simulcast Line-up

    In collaboration with fellow AUKN user crashb648 we have a back-up of the seasonal anime and every catalog add-on from over the years in the form of a spreadsheet, which you can view right here! For quick access to the older streaming threads: '17: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn / '18...
  2. NormanicGrav

    Spring 2024 Anime Season Simulcast Line-up

    In collaboration with fellow AUKN user crashb648 we have a back-up of the seasonal anime and every catalog add-on from over the years in the form of a spreadsheet, which you can view right here! For quick access to the older streaming threads: '17: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn / '18...
  3. NormanicGrav

    Summer 2022 Anime Season Simulcast & Catalog Line-up

    In collaboration with fellow AUKN user crashb648 we have a back-up of the seasonal anime and every catalog add-on from over the years in the form of a spreadsheet, which you can view right here! For quick access to the older streaming threads: '17: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn / '18...
  4. NormanicGrav

    Spring 2022 Anime Season Simulcast & Catalog Line-up

    In collaboration with fellow AUKN user crashb648 we have a back-up of the seasonal anime and every catalog add-on from over the years in the form of a spreadsheet, which you can view right here! For quick access to the older streaming threads: '17: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn / '18...
  5. D1tchd1gger

    Banana Fish episode 9

    Amazon Prime series link I'm still not sure why Ash is choosing Eiji over other people, he's known him for a few weeks! How long has he known Shooter!? I could think of at least 3 different people in that room I would have put that bullet through rather than Shooter in that situation.
  6. NormanicGrav

    Legal Streaming 2018: Q1 Winter Season | The Year of the Sequels

    For quick access to the older streaming threads: 2017: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn / 2018: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn 2019: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn / 2020: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn Welcome to the official Winter 2018 legal anime streaming status thread, where I...
  7. NormanicGrav

    Legal Streaming 2017: Q2 Spring season | Stream Wars: The Amazon Strikes Back

    For quick access to the older streaming threads: 2017: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn / 2018: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn 2019: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn / 2020: Winter - Spring - Summer - Autumn Welcome to the official Spring 2017 legal anime streaming status thread, where I...