Voddas said:Noooo! You should post here anyway. People may not comment too much but I'm reading it at least. >_<Wildcard said:I figure I should stop posting here from now since it seems kinda inappropriate (it is an anime news site afterall). From now on all my stuffs on:
Your skilled Wildcard, but what's ur day job? I used to do a couple of funnies in newspapers. Not that that compairs to a fully fledged manga or Doujinshi. You gonna try publishing anything? Quite easy to get out there just not so easy making money out of it.
Okay :lol: I'll keep posting then, I didn't think anyone was still reading it here. My day job?; I'm at Uni doing a film course - so this isn't a career move or anything. Publishing is pretty unlikely, but who knows - perhaps I'll give it a shot when I've done more and my drawing skills have improved. I'm not bothered about making money out of it TBH it's just a bit of fun for now