Guild Member
Wildcard said:There was an Animatic (is that the right word?) in the special features for the final episodes - I was surprised how much of the animation used in EoE was complete in this. Most of the key scenes such as Asuka's fight were almost finished. It does seem as though the original ending would have gone ahead had it not been for the networks intervention.
I was fairly shocked at how closely the animatic resembled Asuka's fight in EoE, too. In a way, I'm kind of glad that TV Tokyo freaked out over episode 24 and stopped Anno from making the ending he had planned, because otherwise we wouldn't have gotten End of Evangelion (which is my all-time favourite movie!).
Maxon said:CG, some people like EVA, and some people don't, The sooner you accept that, the better. Stop telling everyone they're wrong (and don't pretend you aren't or try to feign ignorance because you do that far too often to be sincere).
I don't know why do-gooders like yourself feel the unrestrained need to point out that some people like Eva and others do not (erm ... d'uh?) as if you're making some kind of new point. If disagreements upset you so terribly, why not just stay out of this thread?