Why is Neon Genesis Evangelion so darn popular?

Aion said:
In all seriousness, why even bother talking/arguing about this? It's daft. Fanboys will never have anything said against what they like and anti-fanboy people will argue with fanboys because they get annoyed with them; it's an endless circle. Just agree to disagree.

This is why i'm glad i love non-controversial anime and manga :lol:
umm... i think i've stayed pretty nutural with my posts:

i said i love nge, some1 said they hated it, i said i cud understand why.
i said i loved the dub and some1 said they hated it i responded with i guess its just me who likes it...

the only slightly negative comment i had was when some1 said u didnt need to know about an anime(any anime) to dislike the va and i said that was stupid.

i cant be bothered to argue or feel the need because with any and all forms of media its subject to opinion.

but to spyro i wud suggest watching more of the anime, the dub isnt great at the start of show but it gets ALOT better... altho shinjis voice only gets more irritating but it really is supposed to be :/
Aion said:
As I said before, I like NGE, I just don't feel it's worthy of all the praise it gets simply due to it having an incomprehensible ending that the fans view to be deep as a result of how badly the events were explained.

What part of the ending did you find incomprehensible?
The ending to Evangelion isn't incomprehensible, it just takes a little more time, effort and thought to work it out. Everyone didn't live happily ever after, but that's not a mark against the ending.

Maltos said:
You dont need to know anything about a series to know whether the dub is good.

Of course you do; how else are you going to know whether the voice suits the character or not?

Aion said:
skikes defending NGE, supporting CG's view, proves that NGE isn't that good.

Even if you weren't as intensely irritating as you most certainly are, you waste forum space with nonsense like this. Why aren't you still banned?

Oh, and Spyro:
Spyro201 said:
Are you deaf?? Cause its a frickin horrible dub.
Ark said:
Aion said:
As I said before, I like NGE, I just don't feel it's worthy of all the praise it gets simply due to it having an incomprehensible ending that the fans view to be deep as a result of how badly the events were explained.

What part of the ending did you find incomprehensible?

Considering I can only remember bits and pieces of what happened in the final 2 TV episodes, the answer at this moment in time would be all of it. When I first watched the series I remember not understanding (possibly due to lack of interest) what was going on...or rather, why the story had become restricted to being told from inside the minds of the characters. I gave up trying to understand when Shinji was congratulated at the end.

With the movie, which was much easier to follow thanks to the story being told in a normal, non-budget restricted manner...up until Asuka went bye-bye, Rei started appearing everywhere, a gigantic version of Rei/final angel appeared in space and Shinji ended the insanity by attempting to strangle Asuka to check if she was alive.

The most straight forward answer: I found it hard to understand at the time and I remember my thoughts; not the specifics of what went on towards the end. This is why I need to re-watch the series...but I want to complete my DVD collection before doing so.

Even you weren't as intensely irritating as you most certainly are, you waste forum space with nonsense like this. Why aren't you still banned?

The same reason you aren't banned for using "^_^" in as many posts as you do. Your very existence is an annoyance to me, so the feelings you have for me are very much mutual.

To answer your question, I emailed Mr. Paul to ask him if he would unban me. He did - The end.
skikes said:
but out of interest, why were u banned? lolz

Just read some of his posts - that ought to give you a fair idea. It's kind of funny that Aion pleaded with an admin to be allowed to return to AUKN. Funny and pathetic ^__^

Aion said:
attempting to strangle Asuka to check if she was alive

Whoa, you really missed the point of EoE. No wonder it made no sense to you :s
I sent him a message 3 or so months after being banned, simply saying I wouldn't cause any more trouble. I asked nicely, he was good enough to allow me back... How does that qualify as begging, Mr. Geek?

I view it as much more pathetic for a certain loser to PM Paul, praising him for banning someone. Then, as if that wasn't enough, PMing a mod you knew on another forum trying to get me banned from there and failing. ;)

Anyway, I don't want to play with...you. As amusing as your fanboyism is to witness, it gets tiring arguing with you like this.
CitizenGeek said:
Maltos said:
You dont need to know anything about a series to know whether the dub is good.
Of course you do; how else are you going to know whether the voice suits the character or not?
He didn't say, the characters voices didnt fit the personaility. He said that the voices were annoying (or words to that effect).
Your never going to enjoy something if you don't like the voice actors. Whats the point watching through something your not enjoying just to find out: "Oh he was supposed to sound annoying".
Just takes the whole point out of anime being an entertainment if he aint enjoying it.
For a dub to be good it has to be enjoyable. And of course, people have opinions, and in his opinion its not a good dub.

And now CG, this isnt an attempt to start another argument, or an attack on you, but it always seems that you start or fuel these sorts of arguments. Maybe you should just cool off and let people be opinionated. Your not gonna change anyone, and even if you did, that doesnt affect you in any way. Just let them be.
Aion said:
I view it as much more pathetic for a certain loser to PM Paul, praising him for banning someone. Then, as if that wasn't enough, PMing a mod you knew on another forum trying to get banned from there and failing.

I never praised Paul for banning you. I never spoke about you with anyone else; you're really not as big of a deal as you think you are ;]

As for Eurogamer, I sent a PM to that mod because you had already been banned there and I noticed that you that defied this ban and joined again. But my PM wasn't even necessary, because you were banned a second time from Eurogamer only last week. I think I summed you and your internet persona up rather nicely with the word "pathetic" ^__^

Maltos said:
but it always seems that you start

I grow tired of reading this nonsense. Are you really that selective with what you read, or are purposefully ignoring the information that's right in front of you. I didn't start arguing with Aion, he did with his snide comment to skikes. It's not like your criticism is anything to be taken seriously, but I think it would be better to aim it at someone else ;]
To be fair, CitizenGeek, you don't always start it, but you do make a big deal out of it and start getting personal [Of course, I do it too, but it's a last resort tactic] and you yourself get really nasty and that "^____^" mask is taken off and your true self is shown.
CitizenGeek said:
Maltos said:
but it always seems that you start
I grow tired of reading this nonsense. Are you really that selective with what you read, or are purposefully ignoring the information that's right in front of you. I didn't start arguing with Aion, he did with his snide comment to skikes. It's not like your criticism is anything to be taken seriously, but I think it would be better to aim it at someone else ;]
I tried to be polite but you act like a twat. Who started it isnt the point. And if you notice i didnt just say that you started them, i also said that you fuel them. Which is exactly what you did here. And i dont even remember mentioning Aion in that post so i have no idea why you decided to bring up this thread in particular.

Honestly, grow up. As far as i'm aware, your older than me, but you certainly don't act it. Your little personal comments about people arent funny and they arent clever.
I'd like to say it's been nice talking with you on this forum, but that would be a lie. And as far as i'm concerned you dont even exist anymore.
CitizenGeek said:
FYI, I was banned around 2 months after your failed attempt at getting me banned; when I revealed my former username. :)

Geek, do you truly see it as a coincidence that every FFVII and Evangelion thread you post in turns into an argument? You're a stereotypical fanboy who is unable to respect an opinion that clashes with the loves of your life. It doesn't matter what the opinion is or how it's worded; you'll argue with it just to try to point out how great they are.

For example, in this thread you were actually offended how Sanji hadn't edited his awful title error where he put 'L' in the title by mistake, going to question his English ability because he mistyped the title of your favourite series. It's those sort of pathetic actions people have come to expect from you - You behave like a child who always needs to be right.

You have to respect opinions, whether you think they're totally incorrect or not. The reason people dislike you and don't treat you with respect is because you aren't able to do that at all and it's impossible to have a conversation with you unless you and the other person think the same way.

And, why the hell are you speaking for skikes? My obviously not-so-serious comment could've been dealt with by skikes if it bothered him. Stop making excuses.


Anyway... As I've said before, I like Eva more than I dislike it. Lots of people had issues understanding the ending and I was one of them. Although it's most likely understandable enough if enough attention is paid, the end mashed all the important chunks of the story together when most of the series was overly simple (angels attacks, angel defeated, start anew) - That's why I enjoyed the series up until near the end.

It's a series I own 4/7 of on DVD and it's well worth owning, but in my opinion it isn't worthy of some of the praise receives. I can understand why it's revered as the greatest of all time by some but I'll never be able to view it like those people.

Edit: My part in this stupidity ends here.
Aion said:
FYI, I was banned around 2 months after your failed attempt at getting me banned; when I revealed my former username

This is inconsequential; the point is you're banned from Eurogamer for the second time.

It doesn't matter what the opinion is or how it's worded; you'll argue with it just to try to point out how great they are.

Um, d'uh.

You just pointed out that I'm most passionate about, and have the greatest of interests in, Evangelion and Final Fantasy. That's the reason I argue with criticisms of both of those things. Does this really not make any sense to you? It seems like a pretty simple concept to me.

For example, in this thread you were actually offended how Sanji hadn't edited his awful title error where he put 'L' in the title by mistake, going to question his English ability because he mistyped the title of your favourite series.

Just ftr: You can check my past posts and you'll see that I have a history of whining about grammatical and spelling mistakes. It, of course, had nothing to do with the fact that it was the word "Evangelion" that was misspelled. Were you actually serious with this point?

You have to respect opinions

Ah, this nonsense yet again. Could you please define "respect" in this case, because the way certain people go on about it, one would swear it meant that in order to properly "respect" the opinions of others on these topics, I am to totally abandon my own opinion, agree wholeheartedly with their opposing opinion and then kiss their feet as a way of apologising for even considering an alternate way of thinking. It's ridiculous.

I never called anyone a "twat" for their opinions (like Maltos did), nor did I make petty personal comments (as Aion did). I disagreed with those who voiced criticisms of Evangelion; I didn't start World War III. Chill the fudge out.

Although it's most likely understandable enough if enough attention is paid, the end mashed all the important chunks of the story together when most of the series was overly simple (angels attacks, angel defeated, start anew) - That's why I enjoyed the series up until near the end.

Yep, it does become much clearer the more attention you pay and the more times you watch it. Even then, though, to gain a full understanding, I think it's necessary to page through many of the guides releasesd officially by Anno himself and Gainax.

I don't agree that most of the story was overly simple, either. Certainly the whole SEELE/Marduk/NERV thing was complicated and the psychological exploration of the characters (which, again, I don't think are "simple") start early in the story and remain there for the entire series.

Edit: My part in this stupidity ends here.

I hope you actually stick your word this time ^__^

Maltos said:
Who started it isnt the point.

Then why did you make it the point?

And as far as i'm concerned you dont even exist anymore.

Lupus Inu said:
To be fair, CitizenGeek, you don't always start it, but you do make a big deal out of it and start getting personal [Of course, I do it too, but it's a last resort tactic] and you yourself get really nasty and that "^____^" mask is taken off and your true self is shown.

If you do it too, what makes you think you can lecture me on it? :s

Oh, that's right, you're Lupus Inu and you think you know all and think yourself the wisest (and sharpest and funniest) member on AUKN. Well, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that you're certainly not even remotely funny or sharp (doesn't stop you trying so hard all the time, though) but I'd like to inform you that you're most definitely far from being wise, also ^__^
Not really, I'm probably one of the worst members on this forum. I think the way I post and the things I say confirm that. In my whole three years of being here I have never contributed to this forum in a constructive way, I can fully confirm that myself.
CitizenGeek said:
Ah, this nonsense yet again. Could you please define "respect" in this case, because the way certain people go on about it, one would swear it meant that in order to properly "respect" the opinions of others on these topics, I am to totally abandon my own opinion, agree wholeheartedly with their opposing opinion and then kiss their feet as a way of apologising for even considering an alternate way of thinking. It's ridiculous.
No. Respecting someone's opinion is accepting that someone thinks differently to you. You're free to argue all you want even when that is the case.

People are free to criticise my favourite shows. I know they have their flaws. Heck, even I know what the flaws are. That is the difference here. You seem to think that Evangelion is flawless in everyway. What you do isn't argue. It's contradiction. You flat out refuse to accept that alternative viewpoints exist. This is exactly why everytime you get into an Evangelion debate everything turns to ****.

tl;dr version

Say "I can understand that, but I think you're wrong".
Maxon said:
You flat out refuse to accept that alternative viewpoints exist.

Maxon ... are you even thinking about what you're saying? Because it really doesn't seem so.

Are you trying to insist I'm delusional? That I deny that Spyro201, Aion, Chrono etc. have all had negative opinions of the series even though they've expressed them numerous times in this very thread? What on earth are you talking about? I'd like to take your advice and say "I can understand that, but I think you're wrong", but I really don't understand this at all and I'm fairly certain you don't understand it either.

Say "I can understand that, but I think you're wrong".

But that's just being needlessly verbose. I assume everyone on AUKN is not a child and doesn't need to spoken to in an overtly patronising and sugar-coated way.