What you guys doing right now.

i just finished cleaning my room.....my WHOLE room!
everything, and i mean everything, all the stuff from under me bed, cubourds, draws, shelves, have been cleaned.
all the chunks of dust, laying in hard to reach areas have been removed,.
i did the whole course!.
and now i just dont want to mess it up, it looks so neat, hehe
Just got off the phone to my girl friend, shes so lovely :)...she was so hyper tonight, it was really cool :) hehe, suddenly hearing japanese voices comming from her computer lol, :) Hmmmmm, thinking about it, i might watch some anime now
Getting my energy back for another push at the vacuuming/floor mopping. By rights I should be in the sack, but there's someone 'important' coming. Those apostrophes represent the lowest opinion of something you can possibly imagine.

I'm also wondering if GAME still have the Dynasty Warriors art books up for grabs - you can get one if you buy DW5 - Empires (presuming they still have some).
At the moment i'm borrowing my dads laptop, which is about to run but of battery T_T sitting on a sunbed wishing i was home X3
I also missed shaman king lat night as the TV was snagged by the mad football fans >:C Curse them!!
just finished watching the england match(yay) and now just gonna head online to a couple games. also talking online
Ryo Chan said:
laughing at people crying cause england lost a little footie match :)
Haha yeah. Just because a man in shorts didn't kick a ball into a net four times. They do a good job of stamping on them though. BAM! :lol:

I was having fun eariler sat outside with a beer watching depressed people walking sullenly up the road. It's like they're walking back from a drunken funeral.
Due to my terrible body clock..i am awake as i usually am at this time of day/night whatever. Talking to people on MSN and just reading up a bit on Dead or Alive on Wikipedia, interesting stuff.
Arbalest said:
Talking to people on MSN and just reading up a bit on Dead or Alive on Wikipedia, interesting stuff.

Why not just play it? I mean, 'a picture's worth a thousand word,' if you know what I mean... :wink:
And if you dont have it, WHY NOT?!

Anyways... I'm doing nout. May go on Vampire: Bloodlines or Goonzu Online... Whatever takes my fancy. :)
Chaz said:
Arbalest said:
Talking to people on MSN and just reading up a bit on Dead or Alive on Wikipedia, interesting stuff.

Why not just play it? I mean, 'a picture's worth a thousand word,' if you know what I mean... :wink:
And if you dont have it, WHY NOT?!

i can play it when i want..i could give ya a game on DOA 4 online when ya want if your up for the challenge :wink: . I was reading up on the characters backstories and other random bits of info on the characters.
On topic i have just got in from work..and i will be going out again shortly since its my nana's birthday and i should go say hi.
Doing nothing now, just spent an amazing night with my girlfriend, thinking about things :) also hoping to talk to her at some point maybe tonight, if not tomorrow :) also just checking my topic, seems as though people have looked at my drawings some more :)
*Roasting like a typical Couch Potato on a hot summer's day*
Might actually send much needing e-mails to me friends at uni while I'm at the PC...
Being Ill

On the plus side, I can stay home all day and do sweet FA.
On the negative side I cant smoke, and feel like ****.

Better than being at work though.
Just got in from a very long and hot boring day out in ibitha town >.>
So now sitting in the shade about to watch some anime of some sort.
Having said that however, it was boring untill i saw a very tiny shop that actully sold anime o.o i was rather suprised =x
Talking to my boyfriend on the phone while he's downloading a song for me. David Matthews band Crash into me, such a good song yet I couldn't find it anywhere!
I'm feeling so sleepy, I think it might be the heat, but it's cooled down so thats no excuse really.