What you guys doing right now.

Aside the usage restrictions, I've always been satisfied with that place's services. But that's another story entirely.

Currently I'm scanning my computer with Ad-Aware, because Arby said he's doing so as well.
Zin5ki said:
Aside the usage restrictions, I've always been satisfied with that place's services.
Now on top of the usage restrictions it tells you there are "not enough download slots available" and to "try again in two minutes". No countdown either, you have to refresh the page yourself every two minutes until you can download (which seems to be after about five attempts, ie: ten minutes of waiting)...
So the problem, ayase, is thus: You are being continually out-slotted.
Endeavour to slot oneself with greater force in future. That's what I'd do.
Zin5ki, it's possible you just unwittingly invoked Rule 34 on an anthropomorphic personification of Rapidshare.

"Slower... slower... slower..."

"No more! You've had enough for today."

"Stop, my download slot isn't big enough!"
Job hunting Maths...

Preparing for a job centre meeting tomorrow. I've added up all the jobs I've applied for and came to a shocking realisation:

64 applications = 3 interviews so....

21 applications = 1 interview

Putting it in black and while makes it even more scarier. :eek:
I'm back, bee-atches!! \o/

Just got off the train recently carrying a suitcase, a backpack and a huge carrier bag bursting with clothes and goodies. London was fantastic to visit, but I'm still buzzing from walking off the train to find similar surroundings.
Loads of e-mails needed tgo be deleted though... (took 5 mins to clear the crap off).

I hope it all comes through good for you/partner, McIcy.
Failing badly at Blazblue, whilst trying to ignore my toothache and post ocasionly on forums.

I need to think about eating some food at some point, maybe after another hour learning combos...
Just got back from my manga planning meetup with a friend,went well and things are going to start taking shape very quickly from now on!^_^Also panicking over my order for the new Eva soundtrack as the store I bought it from may not have it after all.TT_TT
evangelion rocks said:
Just got back from my manga planning meetup with a friend,went well and things are going to start taking shape very quickly from now on!^_^Also panicking over my order for the new Eva soundtrack as the store I bought it from may not have it after all.TT_TT

you have intrigued me...what is this you are planning (that is if you want to talk, i'll understand if you want to keep it hush-hush :p)
@Blackwolf:The only detail I'm able to give away at this time is that it's going to be a steampunk short story^_^.We're hoping to have the final product ready in a few months time.I'll be happy to post the concept pieces and perhaps a few samples up once they are finished if you're interested!^_^