What you guys doing right now.

Staring at my computer screens feeling a bit lost.
Musing at the god-awful-miserable weather outside my window that’s flooding certain parts of England at the mo – I’m thankful I live on a hill!

Hi back to Lupus Inu & Manga Girls – couple of people not forgotten me at least – that’ll do me :D
Sorting out my life for the next few months, I just got a promotion so I am now going to be working new hours which means that things I had planned to do (JapanEx, Airsoft, mates wedding) have to either be booked off work, cancelled or re-sheduled.
*Wave* to McIcy

Congratulations on the promotion but.... NOOO! Do you really have to cancel JapanEx?

(I was really looking forward to finally meeting you!)

Currently: reading more fanfiction - there's a pattern emerging here.

M.G xx
Jayme said:
On MoiSpace commenting random people about random things. . .

if anyone wants.


add me xD.

i still hold a grudge against the whole MySpace generation thing though, some music on their is good, apart from that. . .Why not use a IM.

Try http://www.facebook.com if you dont like myspace. Its 10 times better :D

Just working on some stuff for deviantart and fixing a couple of things on my computer
Packed my suitcase, collected my money and put some films on my PSP.

I'm off on holiday for two weeks :cool: so i'll catch you all in a bit. Take care.