BACKSTORY (sort of...) :
It's just some short translation from the original post ( ... #msg439851). It's from hers brother. Please excuse my poor Engrish.
"So, some bitch (dog) had puppies in my front yard, and she carries like million diseases with her, so to protect our health we throw them (the puppies) into the river. Parents and neighbours, of course, agreed with it.
I uploaded the video on YouTube and went to Bug (Croatian tech) forum and they posted it to some site called 4chan. And the reactions vary: both from strangers and our local savages, they want to **** me up. I mean, this sort of curses (or swears?) I've never seen or heard in my life before. I just couldn't believe it.
Then they tried to get all my info but luckily they were unsuccessful. And the messages are mostly like that they're gonna find and kill me, it makes no sense.
And tell me, isn't all this just funny or what...?
They diagnosed me as a psychopath, and of course some fool from Bug will run on this (thread) and show it to them.
It is true that I sometimes act foolish on forums but believe me that's my other (bad) face (or side). I have to tell that I'm not even roughly any of this in real life.
Thanks everyone for understanding and PLEASE READ THE WHOLE POST. I'm having troubles with my (internet) connection, I barely managed to send this post".
And that's pretty much it. There are a few more posts from him but it would take me too much time. Ask other Bos/Cro anons to help you out or use Google T., if nothing.
TL;DR: Poppies' mum is sick. I'm sorry, please don't rape me.