Can't remember if I've posted this here already, but I find the lyrics and message of this of great interest - it got me thinking about life, and I get that it relates to the idea of not being too consumed by material things, but what I really like about it the most is that it is saying something that I read online once "You are worth it becomes you are not enough." (and need this product/a "better" life, to complete yourself). I'm not arguing against changing one's life for the better (things like leaving a toxic relationship or changing jobs can be among the best decisions we will make in our lives!) I just think it is sad how we can get caught up in a pursuit of perfection, forgetting to learn from, appreciate, and live in our own lives, as they are. The other day a very nice person who works in a coffee shop I go to sometimes, explained the concept of being present in the moment (within reason) to me in a way that really made sense for the first time in my life, and I feel a lot less worried now. This song was an important part of that journey for me as well when I came across it a few months ago 
I also like this song, while realistically I doubt that I will ever choose to get rid of all my nice stuff (particularly given that it means I have things worth selling if a financial emergency arises such as medical things which I'm at heightened risk of cuz of my health conditions) I do get the point they're making
I also like this song, while realistically I doubt that I will ever choose to get rid of all my nice stuff (particularly given that it means I have things worth selling if a financial emergency arises such as medical things which I'm at heightened risk of cuz of my health conditions) I do get the point they're making