Dragon Slayer
Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-sou ch 8—9
Really enjoyed reading Lesbian Experiences.
I should really watch more anime but...
Socrates in Love
I Hear the Sunspot - Limit Vol.1 by Yuki Fumino
An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride volume 3 (light novel)
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash volume 12 (light novel) - One more volume until we're caught up to Japan! I really enjoyed this volume for doing something a little different and going down the route of a fantasy filled 'adventure' story compared to the usual fight for survival our cast go through.
I'm assuming by the name that's a sequel to I Hear the Sunspot?
@Demelza: Yes - in fact it follows directly on from the second volume: Theory of Happiness. One Peace Books have (at last) credited the translator too!Highly recommended if you like the earlier volume/s.