Ian Wolf Mushi-shi AUKN Staff 4 March 2015 #4,142 Yesterday read Nisekoi Vol. 3 and Bleach Vol. 62-63.
st_owly (witch) Time-Traveller 6 March 2015 #4,144 Last night read Tiger and Bunny 6, Watamote 6, Assassination Classroom 2 and Not Enough Time
BanzaiJedi Pokémon Master 8 March 2015 #4,145 Currently reading Monster: Perfect Edition 3 and High School of the Dead colour omnibus 1.
Jatz Hunter 8 March 2015 #4,146 Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Vol.1, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood Vol.1, Kishibe Rohan at the Louvre and Monster: Perfect Edition 3.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Vol.1, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood Vol.1, Kishibe Rohan at the Louvre and Monster: Perfect Edition 3.
BanzaiJedi Pokémon Master 16 March 2015 #4,153 I'm going to re-read all 6 volumes of Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan since the anime is starting in a few weeks time.
I'm going to re-read all 6 volumes of Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan since the anime is starting in a few weeks time.
Gemsy-chan Shinigami 17 March 2015 #4,156 Read The Seven Deadly Sins vol 7 and Attack on Titan vol 15
st_owly (witch) Time-Traveller 19 March 2015 #4,157 Had a day in bed with a cold so been reading: Spell of Desire 3 Manga Dogs 3 Honey Blood 0 Say I Love You 6 Alice in the Country of Joker: The Nightmare Trilogy 2
Had a day in bed with a cold so been reading: Spell of Desire 3 Manga Dogs 3 Honey Blood 0 Say I Love You 6 Alice in the Country of Joker: The Nightmare Trilogy 2
Gemsy-chan Shinigami 20 March 2015 #4,158 Read the Final Fantasy Type-0 manga that came with the collectors edition of the game.
Ian Wolf Mushi-shi AUKN Staff 21 March 2015 #4,159 Kiss of the Rose Princess, Vol. 1. My Love Story!!, Vol. 1.