What manga are you reading now?

I started reading From The New World yesterday - Holy Christ are some of the yuri scenes in that O_O

And yes, there's an actual line of: 'Be gentle...'
PandoraHane said:
My Little Monster Volume 4 : I may end up doing as I did with 07-Ghost with this series. I find it difficult to follow with the wait in between volumes, so I'm thinking of gathering a few more volumes then sitting down and giving it my full attention.
Worked wonders with 07-Ghost so I'm hopeful for it here.

@st_owly I just quoted myself but I think the same :lol: Something about it makes it difficult for me to read as it comes it.
Drug & Drop Volume 1 : So incredibly pretty! Also, Watanuki! I have such a soft spot for him, possibly one of my favourite ever CLAMP characters. He's everywhere lately and I'm glad for it. Hurry up Volume 2 >.< we're getting somewhere with all these mysteries.
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xxxHolic Volume 17 - Glad to have finally read it. Also, I'm glad to understand the situation with Himawari now, I'd felt a bit cheated before I read this and saw how it was. This is a really great volume!
Barakamon, Vol. 2.
Attack on Titan: Before the Fall, Vol. 3.
With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child, Vol. 8 (final volume)
All Nippion Air Line (so bad its good)
Unofficial Hatsune Miku Mix

Bought this after seeing it was selling well - you get quite a lot in it, it's three volumes strapped together basically - and while the art style takes some getting used to, the little stories it tells are pretty fun in a charming, child-like way. The colour inserts are absolutely stunning too, and I like that it works the other vocaloids into the stories too.