Za Warudo
What kind of escapism do you prefer from your anime? Do you like you like fantasy to suspend disbelief for, yokai, and faries? Idealistic, chivalrous romances big on feel good factor? Pokemon and the like.
Or do you like a little more realism and modernism (not too sure what that word means) in your animation, some slices of life and stuff?
Sorry, now that I've typed this out this thread is kind of rubbish, most of the anime we like is probably a mashup of both, like credible fantasy (Gundam for example) or unrealistic slice of life (most slice of life). I started this thread basically wondering what the true joy of fiction is, but in this age of modernism that's it isn't it, making odd and new concoctions of the fantastic and the plausible.
What do you like? Do you get disappointed when you see animation that basically could be live action but just isn't? Or do you prefer it to having to watch painfully real anthropoids in your fictional dramas?
Have I asked too many questions for a single thread?
I do kind of think animation is superior fiction to live action, in the sense it's unsoiled by real humanity (crappy actors), I think many of us feel this way. But, bringing it full circle now, if anime is dealing with the stuff of real humanity for it's themes and content, is it already soiled?
I've discombobulated myself.
Or do you like a little more realism and modernism (not too sure what that word means) in your animation, some slices of life and stuff?
Sorry, now that I've typed this out this thread is kind of rubbish, most of the anime we like is probably a mashup of both, like credible fantasy (Gundam for example) or unrealistic slice of life (most slice of life). I started this thread basically wondering what the true joy of fiction is, but in this age of modernism that's it isn't it, making odd and new concoctions of the fantastic and the plausible.
What do you like? Do you get disappointed when you see animation that basically could be live action but just isn't? Or do you prefer it to having to watch painfully real anthropoids in your fictional dramas?
Have I asked too many questions for a single thread?
I do kind of think animation is superior fiction to live action, in the sense it's unsoiled by real humanity (crappy actors), I think many of us feel this way. But, bringing it full circle now, if anime is dealing with the stuff of real humanity for it's themes and content, is it already soiled?
I've discombobulated myself.