What Games Are You Playing?

Samurai Jack for the PS2. It's entirely predictable stuff, 3D action-adventure guff for kiddies, but the presentation is excellent, the sword moves are really good and at £3 it's just dandy, m'am.

Dead Rising for the 360, I'm at the end but got my ass handed to me :(

I'll be finishing Atelier Iris: Azoth of Destiny soon, now my PS2 is hooked up again, yes!
I'm back on FFVII...currently nearing the end of disc 2.

I've also discovered that One Piece Grand Adventure is a fantastic game, even after it froze and lost a load of my stuff earlier. My own fault for not saving regularly though.

Also been trying to get into Naruto Ultimate Ninja, but it's very hard getting to grips with it after lengthy OP:GA sessions. :D
Zelda Four swords on GameCube and GBA... with four real people playing! XD Me, my hubby and two friends from Sweatdrop. As it is heavily reliant on cooperative play, I wonder how many people have actually completed this game on four player mode....
sonia_leong said:
Zelda Four swords on GameCube and GBA... with four real people playing! XD Me, my hubby and two friends from Sweatdrop. As it is heavily reliant on cooperative play, I wonder how many people have actually completed this game on four player mode....

Ever played Four Swords Adventures? It's amazing!
Just completed Call of Duty 3 on normal mode, gonna try to get some more achievements then go for the next difficulty level.

Been playing Shadow of Rome for the PS2, well it only cost a few quid on promo. What a stinker, no wonder it sank without a trace - this coming from Capcom after the release of DMC and Chaos Legion, what were they thinking? Clunky controls, plot so thin and poor they might as well have just left it out and irritating 'stealth' sections (read: wandering around wondering what the heck to do, getting oodles of single sentences from a multitude of NPCs, all of which add up to nothing).

Also been playing Rampage: Total Destruction for the PS2, got it for a quid on promo XD Scrambling up sky scrapers with a giant wolf and scoffing complaining citizens is as much fun as it should be. Can still remember playing the original Rampage on the Spectrum.

Nearly finished Atelier Iris: Azoth of Destiny. I still can't believe how much improved it is over Eternal Mana - the vast majority of character sprites have been cannibalized from the older game, yet they took everything that was pants and reworked it into something decent. Still got some hidden goodies to locate before heading to the end.